Do u have Kitchen Garden! Do u have Pots in your home!! Do they have poor growth!!! Are leaves blackened !!!!!!! Are there minute insects!!!!!!!. Space is never a constraint in gardening गार्डनिंग में रख रखाव की उपयोगी रोचक बातें GARDENING CLASSES in DELHI conducted at the Student's Home.FEES in DELHI @ Rs.for a 2-hour basic information about Gardening SEEDS,FERTILIZERS,organic Biopesticides,PESTICIDES and PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS.Learn about planting season,insects and diseases
About Me

- Delhi, Delhi, India
- Gardening Classes in Delhi, since 2009 SOMESH JHA, Master of Science (Agriculture), PLANT PATHOLOGY offers Gardening Classes and Agroconsultancy Services. Active in the sector of AGRO, RETAIL and AGRI Business for over 22 years. A former employee of agribusiness, agro-based and retail companies namely Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing (Future Group), Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO); take-decision roles
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Monday, January 4, 2021
Monday, August 24, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Sunday, August 14, 2011
FACEBOOK/Gardening Classes
Some people say "Are u JOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why should i learn GARDENING !!!!! gardening classes is no way any use to me .... Even a child knows about digging a pit and plant a sapling ......... there is no point in LEARNING." Let me tell something interesting -- some plants such as Monstera which are known for their high climbing, lush green and glossy, split or perforated leaves also change their leaf morphology according to the availability of light. Its small leaves become larger with increase in light availability. Pedilanthus, Sansevieria, Tradescantia, Zebrina, Syngonium and Alternanthera or Ruby leaf grow well underneath and around garden trees. Ground cover plants at the base of a tree magnifies aesthetic value and beauty of your garden.

Several questions ... Few answers !!!!! Let's find out ...
What is gardening?
What is home-gardening?
What are ornamental plants?
Which plants are indoor garden plants?
Which vegetables for vegetable gardening?
Which plants for balcony gardening pots?
When to sow for gardening in summer?
When to sow for gardening in winter?
When to provide nutrition in gardening?
How to protect garden plants?
How to take care of garden insects?
How to take care of disease in gardening?
not worry "what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के
मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " Portulaca, Kochia bush, Gomphrena,
Gaillardia, plume Celosia Cockscomb and Zinnia as seasonal flowers for
spring summer.
Gardening Classes .......... a beginning for your good health ........ and gardening is no doubt a hobby that yields something for sure !!!!!!
Thinking of balcony pot gardening ............. u too r ready to plan your selection of seasonal flowers and vegetable seeds na !!!!
GARDENING CLASSES session enables you to understand basic aspects and ignite your interest in gardening

class aapke hee ghar pe hai to fikar kya hai क्लास आपके ही घर पे है तो फिक्र क्या है
Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed. vegetable and flower seeds बुआई के बीज ....... u too create your garden from seeds na !!!
11.Anthurium andraeanum or Flamingo flower have glossy heart-shaped bright red flower bract look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container
spring sown SUMMER flowers फूलों के बीज गर्मी समर बुआई के लिये
Celosia plumosa /COCKSCOMB/Woolflower/Red Fox is one of the flower having feathery plumes representing a group having common name as Cocks comb.U too R ready for Spring Gardening na !!!!!!!
Simplicity in its Attitude along with potted plants and foliage garden
Pusa Basanti Gainda produces medium sized lemon yellow flowers.
Pusa Narangi Gainda variety of marigold produces deep orange flowers with ruffled florets.It flowers in 135-145 days after sowing.Marigold Pusa Arpita variety produces medium sized light orange flowers
FACEBOOK/Gardening Classes

Gardening Classes SINCE 2009 ... Somesh Jha, M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Pathology is a Delhi based Freelance Agroconsultant who has been active in the sector of Agro, Retail and Agri Business consultancy for about 20 years and has also served companies like Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing (Future Group), Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO) at various managerial levels. Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत your source of brief information on gardening EMAIL-

Hindustan Times n'paper mentioning Somesh Jha

These GARDENING CLASSES in DELHI are conducted at the Student's Home.
class aapke hee ghar pe hai to fikar kya hai क्लास आपके ही घर पे है तो फिक्र क्या है
Several questions ... Few answers !!!!! Let's find out ...
सवाल अनेक ........ जवाब कुछ
•Get information regarding how to take care of your plants, with proper advice on preventive and curative actions to be taken in future with respect to plant care and growth
Gardening Classes in Grehlakshmi Kitty Party 2016 गृहलक्ष्मी किटी पार्टी में आयोजित वर्कशॉप के लिए
Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग में उपयोगी रोचक बातें
GARDENING in whatever form u's always going to be ORNAMENTAL.
my name and tips on gardening in Dainik BHASKAR aha zindagi magazine
गमले में पौधा लगाना -- आप की सब्जियां पेड़ पौधों में रुचि -- गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत
Pot Gardening in name and tips on gardening in Dainik Jagran SAKHI magazine

A picture from Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p 107 and a picture from Special Issue of Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p41
Cookery workshop, beauty workshop and many more such activities are organized in kitty parties. Vegetable Gardening to grow brinjal baingan eggplant aubergine garden egg, Tomato tamatar tameta, Capsicum SWEEPicture of insects keedemakode keet garden pests,Herbal Medicinal Plants Gardens,Pepper bell pepper Shimla MIRCH chilli etc बालकनी गमले में लगी मिर्च के पकौड़े भी तो बनाने हैं
BAKING SODA and BAKING POWDER are different. Both are used in cooking to to expand a batter or dough by formation bubbles in the wet mixture when carbon dioxide gas is released.

BAKING SODA contains NaHCO3 and is known as sodium bicarbonate. Used in making bhature poori, dhokla and pakora.

BAKING POWDER sodium bicarbonate is combined with sodium aluminum sulfate and monocalcium phosphate to make BAKING POWDER. cakes and muffins are made with baking powder
Those who seek information on various basic aspects of gardening look for these kind of social gathering events or they search Gardening Magazine,Gardeningforum,
Picture of insects keedemakode keet garden pests,Herbal Medicinal Plants Gardens aromatic culinary herbs gardening,Ornamental and flower POT GARDENING,balcony garden and
A picture from Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p 107 and a picture from Special Issue of Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p41
फूलों के बीज सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के लिये flower seeds for winter season gardening Autumn winter season sown flowers in a pattern of purple colored Sweet Williams, Coreopsis, Sweet Alyssum अलाईसम फूल, Matricaria , Phlox, Pansy and Petunia in Delhi. We all like SEASONAL annual winter FLOWERS.
Garden Poppy presents a colorful paradise.Eschscholzia californica is also known as California poppy,while Papaver orientale - common red garden poppy
WATERING regularly during WINTER reduces frost injuries and in SUMMER it provides optimum microclimate
In nature even the same looking things are different. An example of flower

Why sunflowers are called sun flowers !!!!Sunflowers in botany are named as Helianthus annuus.Helios which means sun and anthos which means flower.Sunflowers respond to the daily cycle of the Sun because of a physiological process called heliotropism.Anatomically,due to turgor pressure of the water against the cell walls of motor cells in pulvinus,a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud,enlarge or shrink.When pressure increases on one side and decreases on the other,that stem responds by drooping or stiffening.This is why Sunflowers always face toward the Sun and hence are called Sunflowers.

DAHLIA - Does it require any word of praise !!!!!!!! It is the most appreciated flower in your garden during winter

DELHI @ 7982984426
gardeningclasses@gmail.comSome people say "Are u JOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why should i learn GARDENING !!!!! gardening classes is no way any use to me .... Even a child knows about digging a pit and plant a sapling ......... there is no point in LEARNING." Let me tell something interesting -- some plants such as Monstera which are known for their high climbing, lush green and glossy, split or perforated leaves also change their leaf morphology according to the availability of light. Its small leaves become larger with increase in light availability. Pedilanthus, Sansevieria, Tradescantia, Zebrina, Syngonium and Alternanthera or Ruby leaf grow well underneath and around garden trees. Ground cover plants at the base of a tree magnifies aesthetic value and beauty of your garden.

Several questions ... Few answers !!!!! Let's find out ...
What is gardening?
What is home-gardening?
What are ornamental plants?
Which plants are indoor garden plants?
Which vegetables for vegetable gardening?
Which plants for balcony gardening pots?
When to sow for gardening in summer?
When to sow for gardening in winter?
When to provide nutrition in gardening?
How to protect garden plants?
How to take care of garden insects?
How to take care of disease in gardening?
it happen? क्या ऐसा होता हैै की पौधा अच्छा है पर फूल नही आए kya aisa
hota hai kee paudha achcha hai lekin phool nahi aye जानते हैं क्यों annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Salvia, Coreopsis, Matricaria, Calendula, Marigold, Daisy, Dahlia, Antirrhinum and many more are sown in autumn. Do u know why you get less flowers even on a good-looking plant
Gardening Classes .......... a beginning for your good health ........ and gardening is no doubt a hobby that yields something for sure !!!!!!
Thinking of balcony pot gardening ............. u too r ready to plan your selection of seasonal flowers and vegetable seeds na !!!!
GARDENING CLASSES session enables you to understand basic aspects and ignite your interest in gardening

class aapke hee ghar pe hai to fikar kya hai क्लास आपके ही घर पे है तो फिक्र क्या है
Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed. vegetable and flower seeds बुआई के बीज ....... u too create your garden from seeds na !!!
Ficus फ़ाइकस, sometimes we see braided is ideal plant for almost any indoor situation
Pilkhan पिलखन or Pakhad पाखड़ or पारस पिपल Wild Fig
Dracaena reflexa सॉन्ग ऑफ़ इंडिया
rubber plant रबड़ फ्लांट
Dieffenbachia डंब केन Aglaonemas
syngonium सिंगोनियम
Poinsettia पोनसेतिया
mussaenda मुसांडा मुसंडे बेदिना
LILIES लिली फूल lily flowers Amaryllis lily
JADE plant जेड Crassula spp or Button cactus
Bryophyllum ब्रायोफिलम Kalanchoe कैलेन्कोई Patharchatta पत्थरचट्टा

5.Dracaena and Cordyline are common houseplants having woody stem and sword-shaped leaves.Various types of dracaena plants such as cornstalk draceana,marginata dracaena,elegance cane,deremensis and fragrans can be used in outdoor and indoor gardening.
Dracaena sanderiana or Lucky bamboo look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container.
6.Cordyline terminalis plant has a fountain of very broad leaves which curve slightly at the tips.They are green with thin red margins.During the summer they may be kept outdoors too.These are low growing shrubs with oblong oval leaves.They are not difficult plants to keep in good condition and though they survive in intermediate conditions,there is every reason to suppose that they would survive the winter without damage.
7.Ficus sp.-The plant will survive in shady conditions,but has no no objection to light.The plants contain a milky latex.
8.Sansevieria - This will not require great quantities of water,although it should be provided in moderation when the condition of the soil calls for it.The plant has very thick,tough,leathery and erect leaves that are usually about 18 inches high in well-grown plants.These leaves are 2-3 inches wide,and have a very thin green margin with a yellow stripe next to it,while the center of the leaf is grey-green with transverse bands of a darker color.
Ficus फ़ाइकस, sometimes we see braided is ideal plant for almost any indoor situation
Pilkhan पिलखन or Pakhad पाखड़ or पारस पिपल Wild Fig
Dracaena reflexa सॉन्ग ऑफ़ इंडिया
rubber plant रबड़ फ्लांट
Dieffenbachia डंब केन Aglaonemas
syngonium सिंगोनियम
Poinsettia पोनसेतिया
mussaenda मुसांडा मुसंडे बेदिना
LILIES लिली फूल lily flowers Amaryllis lily
JADE plant जेड Crassula spp or Button cactus
Bryophyllum ब्रायोफिलम Kalanchoe कैलेन्कोई Patharchatta पत्थरचट्टा
indoor plants such as Aspidistra, Caladium, Croton, Dieffenbachia, Spathiphyllum Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Schefflera and Syngonium are examples of easy to maintain indoor plants

indoor plants such as Aspidistra, Caladium, Croton, Dieffenbachia, Spathiphyllum Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Schefflera and Syngonium are examples of easy to maintain indoor plants
1.Aglaonema sp.-There
are quite a large number of aglaonemas grown,though they all look
rather alike.Aglaonemas make compact little plants,developing a sort of
trunk as they age.The plant does not require to be very well-lit,but
will not be happy in a too dark position.
2.Araucaria excelsa or Christmas Tree or X'Mas plant- These grow slowly and do not need much repotting.It
makes a very elegant small tree for indoor selection.It should be given
a very well-lit position and should be turn around at intervals,so that
the growths remain symmetrical.If the plant is left in the
same position,the shoots will all tend to grow towards the light and
the attractive symmetry will be lost.
3.Scindapsus sp like monstera,pothos and money plant vine. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron.Money plant is represented by two genus namely Epipremnum and Scindapsus.

Exotic Green Money Plant Oxycodium when mounted on moss stick or a Monster Money plant Epipremnum sp.climbing a large tree in your vicinty always look nature's ornamental beautification.A moist atmosphere and a well-lit but shaded situation are what this plant requires.This climbing plant does not develops the yellow markings on its leaves,when the situation is too dark.
4.Schefflera actinophylla - These plants are happy in intermediate condition of light and shade.
3.Scindapsus sp like monstera,pothos and money plant vine. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron.Money plant is represented by two genus namely Epipremnum and Scindapsus.

Exotic Green Money Plant Oxycodium when mounted on moss stick or a Monster Money plant Epipremnum sp.climbing a large tree in your vicinty always look nature's ornamental beautification.A moist atmosphere and a well-lit but shaded situation are what this plant requires.This climbing plant does not develops the yellow markings on its leaves,when the situation is too dark.
4.Schefflera actinophylla - These plants are happy in intermediate condition of light and shade.
The leaflet radiate around the stalk like the rays of a light,it is extremely interesting to see the plant improve yearly.
5.Dracaena and Cordyline are common houseplants having woody stem and sword-shaped leaves.Various types of dracaena plants such as cornstalk draceana,marginata dracaena,elegance cane,deremensis and fragrans can be used in outdoor and indoor gardening.
Dracaena sanderiana or Lucky bamboo look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container.
6.Cordyline terminalis plant has a fountain of very broad leaves which curve slightly at the tips.They are green with thin red margins.During the summer they may be kept outdoors too.These are low growing shrubs with oblong oval leaves.They are not difficult plants to keep in good condition and though they survive in intermediate conditions,there is every reason to suppose that they would survive the winter without damage.
7.Ficus sp.-The plant will survive in shady conditions,but has no no objection to light.The plants contain a milky latex.
8.Sansevieria - This will not require great quantities of water,although it should be provided in moderation when the condition of the soil calls for it.The plant has very thick,tough,leathery and erect leaves that are usually about 18 inches high in well-grown plants.These leaves are 2-3 inches wide,and have a very thin green margin with a yellow stripe next to it,while the center of the leaf is grey-green with transverse bands of a darker color.
10.Philodendron xanadu-These are climbing plants and they produce aerial roots at every leaf- joint.They can be grown under cool condition,although it will prefer the warmer intermediate temperatures.Now,
we are familiar with these indoor plants,few things to be kept in mind
are not to provide excess water and not to overfeed with manures and
fertilizers to avoid frequent re-potting.Feel the spirit to realize that
indoor plants are really forever fresh goodies for decorating a
beautiful home or a vibrant office.

11.Anthurium andraeanum or Flamingo flower have glossy heart-shaped bright red flower bract look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container
Partial Sun Plants
PALMS-Fish Tail and Cycas
Palm-Cycas-Sago palm
Bismarckia Palm
Palm-Royal palm, Bottle palm.
Fish-tail palm, Jaggery palm.
Palm-Zamia palm
Palm-Bunya-Bunya-X-Mas tree like
Pam-Fan palm, fountain palm.
Palm-Christmas tree, Norfolk-Island tree
लाल मुर्ग़ा फूल Cockscomb plants or Celosia cristata. Portulaca,
Gomphrena, Zinnia, Gaillardia, Morning Glory or
Kochia bush as seasonal flowers for spring summer sowing
Celosia plumosa /COCKSCOMB/Woolflower/Red Fox is one of the flower having feathery plumes representing a group having common name as Cocks comb.U too R ready for Spring Gardening na !!!!!!!
ZINNIA,gaillardia and PORTULACA- common summer flowers in Delhi homes.Portulaca grandiflora ,commonly known as Moss Rose,a semi-succulent annual flowering plant are happy during heat of summer.

gomphrena is also an annual summer flowering plant seen during summer but is sown during spring
Besides Portulaca,Gomphrena,Zinnia,Gaillardia and Kochia bush,one can also go for Morning Glory

Gul-e-makhmal गुले मख़मल Globe Amaranth consist of numerous individual
flowers that appear as one globular shaped flower

bush or कोचिया Kochia scoparia or Bassia scoparia or Mexican Fireweed
Shrub Summer Cypress seedlings can be prepared during on the onset of
spring season i.e basant ritu and kochia saplings may be transplanted
after few weeks
bush or Summer Cypress or Mexican Fireweed Shrub or Bassia scoparia are
used as a pot in balcony,staircase area and front garden.Landscaping
background for beds and borders is also done by using kochia plants

Glory flowers present a beautiful look to surroundings of sea.Beach
Morning Glory or Goat's Foot or Ipomoea pes-caprae a common pan
tropical creeping vine can be seen in coastal regions
During summer we can have ornamental vegetable garden too.Colocasia leaf rolls-bhajia batter-Patra Pakoda from Arbi Patta-monsoon is the best time to enjoy these tender large, heart-shaped ARVI taro leaves na
Colocasia includes several species of tuberous perennials.Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms

Greenery not only provides us food but also improves aesthetic value of our surroundings.scarlet clock vine or Burmese clock vine or scarlet Thunbergia or Thunbergia coccinea is an evergreen climber with purplish pink flowers in spectacularly long hanging unique shape raceme inflorescence
During summer we can have ornamental vegetable garden too.Colocasia leaf rolls-bhajia batter-Patra Pakoda from Arbi Patta-monsoon is the best time to enjoy these tender large, heart-shaped ARVI taro leaves na
Colocasia includes several species of tuberous perennials.Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms
Greenery not only provides us food but also improves aesthetic value of our surroundings.scarlet clock vine or Burmese clock vine or scarlet Thunbergia or Thunbergia coccinea is an evergreen climber with purplish pink flowers in spectacularly long hanging unique shape raceme inflorescence
purple Wisteria bel,orange Tecoma bel,pink Madhumalti bel,white Jasmine
bel,yellow Adenocalymma bel,Clerodendrum splendens,climbing Mussaenda
and climbing Bougainvillea are common flowering climbers
bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary
from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color commonly used for
screening and hedge purposes.It is an evergreen shrub, bearing bunches
of funnel-shaped, orange scarlet flowers.
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
bougainvilleas exhibit many variation in growth habit depending upon cultivar.It may be a climbing bougainvillea, upright, drooping, spreading or a semi-upright bougainvillea.Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Bougainvillea glabra and Bougainvillea peruviana are important species
madhumalti or Madhu Malati मधु मालती or Rangoon Creeper or Quisqualis indica is a vigorous twining climber blooming profusely throughout summer
IVY plant Hedera helix leaves are leathery,3-5-lobed and dark green in color.Ivy bears small greenish-yellow flowers.Ivy is one of the most versatile and popular ground cover plants.Its foliage is capable of covering walls and fences
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
bougainvilleas exhibit many variation in growth habit depending upon cultivar.It may be a climbing bougainvillea, upright, drooping, spreading or a semi-upright bougainvillea.Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Bougainvillea glabra and Bougainvillea peruviana are important species
madhumalti or Madhu Malati मधु मालती or Rangoon Creeper or Quisqualis indica is a vigorous twining climber blooming profusely throughout summer
IVY plant Hedera helix leaves are leathery,3-5-lobed and dark green in color.Ivy bears small greenish-yellow flowers.Ivy is one of the most versatile and popular ground cover plants.Its foliage is capable of covering walls and fences
Ivy-leaved Morning Glory or Bhaura or Singa or Ipomoea cairica is common around railway properties.
known as railway creeper,its a vigorous grower, developing into a
thick, covering mat of vegetation.They decorate our fences, trellises
and walls with lush green foliage and colorful funnel-shaped
blossoms.Leaves have lobes and it has pink to purple flowers
Simplicity in its Attitude along with potted plants and foliage garden
Pusa Basanti Gainda produces medium sized lemon yellow flowers.
Pusa Narangi Gainda variety of marigold produces deep orange flowers with ruffled florets.It flowers in 135-145 days after sowing.Marigold Pusa Arpita variety produces medium sized light orange flowers
FACEBOOK/Gardening Classes
DELHI @ 7982984426

Gardening Classes SINCE 2009 ... Somesh Jha, M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Pathology is a Delhi based Freelance Agroconsultant who has been active in the sector of Agro, Retail and Agri Business consultancy for about 20 years and has also served companies like Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing (Future Group), Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO) at various managerial levels. Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत your source of brief information on gardening EMAIL-
Hindustan Times n'paper mentioning Somesh Jha
Hindustan Times article and a national magazine article mentioning Somesh Jha and his work of conducting GARDENING CLASSES in Delhi
Fees Rs./- for a 2 hour session
class aapke hee ghar pe hai to fikar kya hai क्लास आपके ही घर पे है तो फिक्र क्या है
Several questions ... Few answers !!!!! Let's find out ...
सवाल अनेक ........ जवाब कुछ
about insects and diseases and tips to keep your garden in good health,
which plants to sow in which season and from where to buy.
•Plant Pathologist visits your premises and help identify the problems faced by your plants•Get information regarding how to take care of your plants, with proper advice on preventive and curative actions to be taken in future with respect to plant care and growth
Gardening Classes in Grehlakshmi Kitty Party 2016 गृहलक्ष्मी किटी पार्टी में आयोजित वर्कशॉप के लिए

Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग में उपयोगी रोचक बातें
GARDENING in whatever form u's always going to be ORNAMENTAL.
my name and tips on gardening in Dainik BHASKAR aha zindagi magazine
गमले में पौधा लगाना -- आप की सब्जियां पेड़ पौधों में रुचि -- गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत

Pot Gardening in name and tips on gardening in Dainik Jagran SAKHI magazine

planter पौधा लगाने वाला यंत्र tree planting drone पेड़ लगाने वाला
डर्रोन विमान ट्री- ट्रांसप्लांटेशन TREE transplantation पेड़
ट्रांसप्लांटेशन पेड़ प्रत्यारोपण
A picture from Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p 107 and a picture from Special Issue of Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p41
FB page of Grehlakshmi 8th Grand Kitty Party 2016 event and a pic of Somesh Jha.
Women from various professions,housewives
and entrepreneur women from their busy schedule come together for a fun
filled kitty party organized by 'Grehlakshmi' a women's monthly
magazine in Hindi, under the flagship of Diamond Magazine Pvt Ltd, New

Cookery workshop, beauty workshop and many more such activities are organized in kitty parties. Vegetable Gardening to grow brinjal baingan eggplant aubergine garden egg, Tomato tamatar tameta, Capsicum SWEEPicture of insects keedemakode keet garden pests,Herbal Medicinal Plants Gardens,Pepper bell pepper Shimla MIRCH chilli etc बालकनी गमले में लगी मिर्च के पकौड़े भी तो बनाने हैं
BAKING SODA and BAKING POWDER are different. Both are used in cooking to to expand a batter or dough by formation bubbles in the wet mixture when carbon dioxide gas is released.

BAKING SODA contains NaHCO3 and is known as sodium bicarbonate. Used in making bhature poori, dhokla and pakora.

BAKING POWDER sodium bicarbonate is combined with sodium aluminum sulfate and monocalcium phosphate to make BAKING POWDER. cakes and muffins are made with baking powder
Those who seek information on various basic aspects of gardening look for these kind of social gathering events or they search Gardening Magazine,Gardeningforum,
Gardeninghelpline,GardeningApp,Gardening videos,Gardening
teacher and........…so many other sources of information on
Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown and also for Gardening in Winter - Autumn Sown.
These information about Garden plant nutrition and nutrient management,
Plant hormones Growth Regulator Stimulant Enzyme PGR,Picture of plants and trees,
Picture of insects keedemakode keet garden pests,Herbal Medicinal Plants Gardens aromatic culinary herbs gardening,Ornamental and flower POT GARDENING,balcony garden and
A picture from Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p 107 and a picture from Special Issue of Grehlakshmi October 2016 magazine p41
फूलों के बीज सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के लिये flower seeds for winter season gardening Autumn winter season sown flowers in a pattern of purple colored Sweet Williams, Coreopsis, Sweet Alyssum अलाईसम फूल, Matricaria , Phlox, Pansy and Petunia in Delhi. We all like SEASONAL annual winter FLOWERS.
WATERING regularly during WINTER reduces frost injuries and in SUMMER it provides optimum microclimate
In nature even the same looking things are different. An example of flower
Acroclinium roseum or paper daisy flower in family Compositae have have straw-like petals too.
The pappus bristles in this flower are plumose.
Helichrysum bracteatum or straw flower in family Compositae give a papery feeling when touched
with hand.The pappus bristles in this flower tend to be barbellate,or plumose only at the apex
come in a variety of petal counts.While the single layer of petals is
common, you can find quite a few sunflower varieties with double petal
layers.Spring i.e.Feb month sowing season is suitable for growing
sunflower or suryamukhi or surajmukhi plants
Why sunflowers are called sun flowers !!!!Sunflowers in botany are named as Helianthus annuus.Helios which means sun and anthos which means flower.Sunflowers respond to the daily cycle of the Sun because of a physiological process called heliotropism.Anatomically,due to turgor pressure of the water against the cell walls of motor cells in pulvinus,a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud,enlarge or shrink.When pressure increases on one side and decreases on the other,that stem responds by drooping or stiffening.This is why Sunflowers always face toward the Sun and hence are called Sunflowers.
Annuals flowers like Dahlia,Gazania,Pansy,Petunia,Phlox and Primulas are sensitive to sowing dates as flowering is in direct correlation to sunlight intensity and duration.This phenomenon is known as Phototropism,which means a plant’s growth response to any light

DAHLIA - Does it require any word of praise !!!!!!!! It is the most appreciated flower in your garden during winter

Gardening is the easiest way to get closer to nature
soil, manure, compost, other soil conditioners cocopeat, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, some seeds from kitchen and some seeds from market .......... that is what you require to begin gardening in ANY season !!!!!!!!
ROSE FLOWER गुलाब का फूल
Chrysanthemum grandiflorum क्रिसेन्थमम गुलदाउदी
sunflower सूरजमुखी and marigold गेंदा फूल
BELA बेला Jasminum sambac, GULAB गुलाब Rosa sinensis, JUHI जूही jui flower Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA चम्पा Plumeria sp, CHAMELI चमेली Jasminum grandiflora
harsingar हर सिंगार Paarijat पारिजात Nyctanthes arbortristis flowers can be seen as carpet of flowers in the morning. They bloom opening occurs at night and drop off in the morning. Harsingar हर सिंगार white flower with orange-red stalks
Raat ki raniरात की रानी Cestrum nocturnum bears greenish creamy white tubular flower
GREENERY around us DO NOT fill our WALLETS purse ज़ेब की हरियाली but hariali DO fill pockets of our LUNGS with OXYGEN. Gardening is not just about buying plants and keeping in balcony. Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed.
winter flower seeds सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज summer season plants गर्मी के मौसम में बुआई के बीज
Plumeria champa, jasmine mogara bela jui chameli, lilies, chrysanthemum guldaudi, paarijat harshingar, sunflower, sadabahar, marigold, ixora, haemelia, hibiscus adool gudhal, tuberose rajnigandha, gladiolous, gerbera, poinsettia, mussaenda, begonia, adenium, anthurium, heliconia, bird of paradise, scarlet clock vine, passionflower vine, tecoma bell flower vine, aparajita butterfly pea, madhumalti rangoon creeper. rose gulab गुलाब का फूल Himalayan Rose हिमालयन रोज़ Rosa macrophylla grows in the Himalayas as a tall bush with medium-sized pink fragrant flowers.
ornamental plants Syngonium, Philodendron, Acalypha, Tradescantia, Alternanthera and Euphorbia alongwith Ferns, Lilies, Ficus, Dracaena, some grasses, bamboos and ornamental palm plants are important soft elements in creation of a beautiful landscape with ornamental garden plants. Foliage plants may be kept indoors as well as a ornamental outdoor garden plant. Syngonium podophyllum are beautiful ornamental plants that can be used in large garden beds,as edge plants or as a evergreen ground cover plant
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता Passiflora sp. flower ripens into passion fruit. Unique flowers of rakhi bel are borne at internodes on tendril-bearing vines. passion fruit is generally dark purple berry sized fruit having soft juicy pulp with numerous seeds. Passion flower oil, an aromatherapy product is made from its fruit seeds and thus is also called as passion flower fruit oil. Passion flower oil is rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus Passion flower fruit is eaten and has aromatic juice.
Cannon ball tree or Top(e) gola or Nagalingam or Shivalingam i.e. Couroupita guianensis flowers. The nature is so beautiful ............ how come one can resist gardening !!!!!!
ornamental trees such as washington palm, foxtail palm, casaurina, Tabeuia argentea, Chorisia speciosa and shrubs such as Raphis excelsa and Ficus panda are used in beautifying gardens and garden landscaping. Cannon ball tree, Sita Ashok, Kadamb, Elephant Apple are few examples of trees that are found only in a garden of paradise ........ i.e. in wild ..... in nature .................... in timeless harmony with nature
Chinar चिनार has lobed, palmate maple-like leaves but in alternate leaf arrangement. Chinar belong to genus Platanus in Platanaceae family.Platanus orientalis is the common chinar tree.
Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes
Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries
Chilli means Hot ..... whatever color it is !!!!! black color chilli काले रंग वाली हरी मिर्च dark purple hot chilli बैंगनी मिर्च violet chilli purple chilli black chilli is amazing na !!! Chilli Violet color तीन महीने बाद मिर्चि लाल हो गई ......... purple mirch turns red after about 3 months
violet chilli purple chilli green chilli pickle हरी मिर्च का अचार haree mirch ka achaar chilli मिर्च green chilli हरी मिर्च red chilli लाल मिर्च .......... all are used to make pickles ...... sow some vegetable seeds in your garden pot and see how you develop interest in vegetable gardening.
तीन महीने बाद violet मिर्चि लाल हो गई violet chilli purple mirch turns red after about 3 months

annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as petunia, calendula, pansy, salvia, dahlia and antirrhinum are supposed to be sown in autumn i.e. October................ but what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!!
गार्डनिंग सीज़न आ गया --- सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज
Nasturtium नस्टरसियम
Phlox flower - November sown फ्लौक्स फूल
"गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " should not be a concern for you
Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown

spring sown SUMMER flowers फूलों के बीज गर्मी समर बुआई के लिये
लाल मुर्ग़ा फूल Cockscomb plants or Celosia cristata
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
Portulaca,Gomphrena,Zinnia, Gaillardia, Celosia, Cockscomb, Morning Glory or Kochia bush as seasonal flowers for spring summer sowing
पौधे आप नरसरी से जितने मर्जी ले अाएं .............................. खुशी तो आपको अपने हाथ से लागये पोधे को देखकर ही होगी
pot stands such as wrought iron galvanized iron pot stands, metal
steel tubes 3 layer pot stand and vertical pot 4 panel are wonderful
for gardening in small spaces

BELA- Jasminum Sambac, GULAB-Rosa sinensis, JUHI -Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA-Plumeria sp, CHAMELI-Jasminum grandiflora
KAALI SARSON -Ornamental BLACK Brassica
DO NOT HAVE UR OWN GARDEN !!!!!!!!!!! Do not worry its a "Blessing in Disguise" as an opportunity to serve your society through COMMUNITY GARDENING.
Join a 2-hour Session of GARDENING CLASSES
Get information regarding how to take care of your plants, with proper advice on preventive and curative actions to be taken in future with respect to plant care and growth.
Start beautifying any sort of GREEN BELT or develop community wasteland in your neighborhood to GET PURE FRESH AIR.
Community celebrations is always a magical act to keep a society and social values alive.An ideal example is a weekly event named raahgiri day.RaahgiriDayDelhi is to encourage the use of cycling, walking and public transport in the city.People enjoy bike, skate, run and walk in addition to community leisure activities such as street games, street dancing,yoga, aerobics and zumba dance fitness workout to come together as a community and celebrate life.Manoj Tiwari,MP and ACTOR made one Sunday morning- a good morning by being present on first raahgiriday in Dwarka,Delhi

Do you notice the termite attacks on plants and trees while walking on streets during your participation in raahgiri......... this daag in our nature are not at all achhe na !!!!!. Raahiri Day is also an opportunity to think about health of our plants and our plantations
soil, manure, compost, other soil conditioners cocopeat, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, some seeds from kitchen and some seeds from market .......... that is what you require to begin gardening in ANY season !!!!!!!!
ROSE FLOWER गुलाब का फूल
Chrysanthemum grandiflorum क्रिसेन्थमम गुलदाउदी
sunflower सूरजमुखी and marigold गेंदा फूल
BELA बेला Jasminum sambac, GULAB गुलाब Rosa sinensis, JUHI जूही jui flower Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA चम्पा Plumeria sp, CHAMELI चमेली Jasminum grandiflora
harsingar हर सिंगार Paarijat पारिजात Nyctanthes arbortristis flowers can be seen as carpet of flowers in the morning. They bloom opening occurs at night and drop off in the morning. Harsingar हर सिंगार white flower with orange-red stalks
Raat ki raniरात की रानी Cestrum nocturnum bears greenish creamy white tubular flower
GREENERY around us DO NOT fill our WALLETS purse ज़ेब की हरियाली but hariali DO fill pockets of our LUNGS with OXYGEN. Gardening is not just about buying plants and keeping in balcony. Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed.
winter flower seeds सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज summer season plants गर्मी के मौसम में बुआई के बीज
Plumeria champa, jasmine mogara bela jui chameli, lilies, chrysanthemum guldaudi, paarijat harshingar, sunflower, sadabahar, marigold, ixora, haemelia, hibiscus adool gudhal, tuberose rajnigandha, gladiolous, gerbera, poinsettia, mussaenda, begonia, adenium, anthurium, heliconia, bird of paradise, scarlet clock vine, passionflower vine, tecoma bell flower vine, aparajita butterfly pea, madhumalti rangoon creeper. rose gulab गुलाब का फूल Himalayan Rose हिमालयन रोज़ Rosa macrophylla grows in the Himalayas as a tall bush with medium-sized pink fragrant flowers.
ornamental plants Syngonium, Philodendron, Acalypha, Tradescantia, Alternanthera and Euphorbia alongwith Ferns, Lilies, Ficus, Dracaena, some grasses, bamboos and ornamental palm plants are important soft elements in creation of a beautiful landscape with ornamental garden plants. Foliage plants may be kept indoors as well as a ornamental outdoor garden plant. Syngonium podophyllum are beautiful ornamental plants that can be used in large garden beds,as edge plants or as a evergreen ground cover plant
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता Passiflora sp. flower ripens into passion fruit. Unique flowers of rakhi bel are borne at internodes on tendril-bearing vines. passion fruit is generally dark purple berry sized fruit having soft juicy pulp with numerous seeds. Passion flower oil, an aromatherapy product is made from its fruit seeds and thus is also called as passion flower fruit oil. Passion flower oil is rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus Passion flower fruit is eaten and has aromatic juice.
Burans or लाल गुराँस lal guransh or scarlet Rhododendron arboreum is
also used in packaging and for religious use. rhododendron flower is
used to make a squash called buransh रोडोडिन्ड्रन
Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत your source of brief information on gardening in balcony pots Cannon ball tree or Top(e) gola or Nagalingam or Shivalingam i.e. Couroupita guianensis flowers. The nature is so beautiful ............ how come one can resist gardening !!!!!!
ornamental trees such as washington palm, foxtail palm, casaurina, Tabeuia argentea, Chorisia speciosa and shrubs such as Raphis excelsa and Ficus panda are used in beautifying gardens and garden landscaping. Cannon ball tree, Sita Ashok, Kadamb, Elephant Apple are few examples of trees that are found only in a garden of paradise ........ i.e. in wild ..... in nature .................... in timeless harmony with nature
Chinar चिनार has lobed, palmate maple-like leaves but in alternate leaf arrangement. Chinar belong to genus Platanus in Platanaceae family.Platanus orientalis is the common chinar tree.
Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes
Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries
Chilli means Hot ..... whatever color it is !!!!! black color chilli काले रंग वाली हरी मिर्च dark purple hot chilli बैंगनी मिर्च violet chilli purple chilli black chilli is amazing na !!! Chilli Violet color तीन महीने बाद मिर्चि लाल हो गई ......... purple mirch turns red after about 3 months
violet chilli purple chilli green chilli pickle हरी मिर्च का अचार haree mirch ka achaar chilli मिर्च green chilli हरी मिर्च red chilli लाल मिर्च .......... all are used to make pickles ...... sow some vegetable seeds in your garden pot and see how you develop interest in vegetable gardening.
तीन महीने बाद violet मिर्चि लाल हो गई violet chilli purple mirch turns red after about 3 months

annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as petunia, calendula, pansy, salvia, dahlia and antirrhinum are supposed to be sown in autumn i.e. October................ but what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!!
गार्डनिंग सीज़न आ गया --- सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज
Nasturtium नस्टरसियम
Phlox flower - November sown फ्लौक्स फूल
"गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " should not be a concern for you
Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown

spring sown SUMMER flowers फूलों के बीज गर्मी समर बुआई के लिये
लाल मुर्ग़ा फूल Cockscomb plants or Celosia cristata
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
Portulaca,Gomphrena,Zinnia, Gaillardia, Celosia, Cockscomb, Morning Glory or Kochia bush as seasonal flowers for spring summer sowing
पौधे आप नरसरी से जितने मर्जी ले अाएं .............................. खुशी तो आपको अपने हाथ से लागये पोधे को देखकर ही होगी
is a kind of STRESS relieving exercise which makes you Relax and being a
light exercise it may help u in shedding those extra kilos.Relaxation
and optimum body weight helps keep our blood pressure at normal
level ...... Plants and flowers in offices not only improves the ambience but also keeps its employees happy.
Garden markers,Garden Signs,Planters, Watering Cans,plant labels,pegs,plastic instruction tabs, gloves, hand tools and so many things to name ........................... gardening is much more than PLANTING and WATERING
Garden markers,Garden Signs,Planters, Watering Cans,plant labels,pegs,plastic instruction tabs, gloves, hand tools and so many things to name ........................... gardening is much more than PLANTING and WATERING
BELA- Jasminum Sambac, GULAB-Rosa sinensis, JUHI -Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA-Plumeria sp, CHAMELI-Jasminum grandiflora
and COLORED stones like Glazed pebbles,White Pebbles,Yellow Pebbles,
Milky White Quartz Polished Pebbles and Black Tumbled Pebbles make
our gardens incredibly beautiful,in many of the diverse form of garden
you own

LANDSCAPING ROCKS and BOULDERS -Granite,Quartzite,Slate,Marble,Iron Ore,Rock,Lavarock etc.. make our gardens incredibly beautiful
A proven way to bring out the creative artist hidden in ourselves................anytime is good time to begin GARDENING
LANDSCAPING ROCKS and BOULDERS -Granite,Quartzite,Slate,Marble,Iron Ore,Rock,Lavarock etc.. make our gardens incredibly beautiful
KAALI SARSON -Ornamental BLACK Brassica
DO NOT HAVE UR OWN GARDEN !!!!!!!!!!! Do not worry its a "Blessing in Disguise" as an opportunity to serve your society through COMMUNITY GARDENING.
Join a 2-hour Session of GARDENING CLASSES
Get information regarding how to take care of your plants, with proper advice on preventive and curative actions to be taken in future with respect to plant care and growth.
Start beautifying any sort of GREEN BELT or develop community wasteland in your neighborhood to GET PURE FRESH AIR.
Community celebrations is always a magical act to keep a society and social values alive.An ideal example is a weekly event named raahgiri day.RaahgiriDayDelhi is to encourage the use of cycling, walking and public transport in the city.People enjoy bike, skate, run and walk in addition to community leisure activities such as street games, street dancing,yoga, aerobics and zumba dance fitness workout to come together as a community and celebrate life.Manoj Tiwari,MP and ACTOR made one Sunday morning- a good morning by being present on first raahgiriday in Dwarka,Delhi

Do you notice the termite attacks on plants and trees while walking on streets during your participation in raahgiri......... this daag in our nature are not at all achhe na !!!!!. Raahiri Day is also an opportunity to think about health of our plants and our plantations
Garden size,kind and layout should be CLEARCUT before selecting plant for Landscape design.
FLOWERS in pots simply change the whole look of your premises.
Flower lovers can go ahead with Calendula,Babuna Margeurite daisy,Dahlia,Calendula,Dog flower Antirrhinum,Salvia,Alyssum,Marigold Genda,Chrysanthemum,Pansy,Petunia,Stock,Phlox,Carnation,
Gladiolus,Lily,Cornflower,sweet williams,Dianthus,Ice plant,Aster,Hollyhock,nasturtium and many more
When we think of growing vegetables at our own for our kitchen garden,we start concerning about space.Frankly speaking,believe me,space is never a constraint in Gardening.You can begin gardening in ur balcony,common staircase area,corridor,windows and many such spaces.
WATER LILY- Hardy Lilies are perennial, and found in white, yellow or red. A wide pot of 14-16 inch size ,made of fabric with 25 - 30 litre water is good.Plant the rhizome on the edge of the container at a 45 degree angle, exposing the crown

Garden pots,Clay pots,Terracotta pots,Colorful ceramic pots and utensils made of white cement,ceramic pottery flower pots in various animal shapes like frogs, peacock,elephant,turtle,snake e.t.c. are always center of attraction in any of the garden forms.
Often people put question - How to start a garden to take care of home to take care of to take care insects in my garden ?.In answer one may try following steps
STEP-1.Decide type of garden
Nowadays, people like theme based gardening
1.1.ORNAMENTAL BALCONY GARDEN - Beginning with new pots of Ornamental Plants that too with ORGANIC FERTILIZERS and ORGANIC PESTICIDES in Delhi generally costs around Rs.300/- approx.for each 8 inches diameter(22 cm) normal plastic pots.
Corn, Beans and Squash are planted together in such a way that they aid each others' success.
through their symbiotic association with a type of root bacteria, fix
nitrogen from the air into a form that non-leguminous plants can also

Squash - large, ground-hugging, prickly squash leaves shade out weeds.
Summer season food calls for vegetables which are said to act as cool item for our stomach,Bottle Gourd is a good example in this category.
Flowers are the beautiful part of any garden form

Science says seeing is believing.....Gerbera (Barberton Daisy)-flower is nothing but beauty.
ROSE is the other botanical royalty of Valentine’s Day. U too have booked Roses and Cut Flowers for ur Valentine na !!!!!!!! During Victorian times, flowers were given special meanings and small bouquets would be given to friends and lovers in lieu of notes or letters.No other flower inspires more sentiment than the rose. A symbol of love, beauty and peace.
In Banjaran variety the colour is a blend of gold and flame red. The red softens to flame pink in later stages whereas,the colour of Ganga variety varies from pale yellow to gold

Spiritualism says feeling is believing..........the aroma of Gulab-ROSE can only be felt.Rose is a popular cut flower.Yellow Rose - peela gulab Pusa Pitamber variety has attractive golden yellow coloured flowers with sweet fragrance. Produces very big bushes. Very good for gardens and exhibition purpose. Tolerant to powdery mildew and black spot.It may produce 30-40 flowers/plant in season

Pusa Ajay and Pusa Shatabdi are other variety with pink color flower.ROSE -To have healthy and good sized flowers from roses, their irrigation should be quite timely as with the onset of summer season, they require more frequent watering. Other cultural practices should also be carried out regularly, only then we can prolong the flowering period of roses.
Keep on removing the dried, diseased shoots and root suckers. Water the beds twice a week for proper health of the plants.
of roses is done during OCT-NOV for removing the diseased/dead and
criss- crossing branches. The cut ends should be treated immediately
after pruning or spray the plants.Hoeing of rose beds, removal of
suckers and application of FYM near base of the plants after
exposing roots is done in this month.Check the attack of scale and
other soil borne insects. Irrigate the plants after application of FYM.

Gardening can be experienced through seeing and feeling the beauty of PANSY/Monkey Flower can be enjoyed more when u grow with your own hands.Therefore,gardening is a hobby for some and passion for others

Gardening adds happiness to our hectic competitive life.EXPERIENCE it to BELIEVE it
Kids are simply crazy about Gardening.They wont stop even when u say "Do NOT touch the SOIL your clothes will get DIRTY". But above statements used during parenting are signs of concern for future.
Therefore the time has now come that every Indian,whether in Urban or Rural areas should make attempts by spending sometime with children particularly in the age group of 3 yrs to 10 years and teach them about nature.
Make them familiar about basic aspects of nature.
1.SOIL has various meanings in our day to day life.
1.A builder says this is dead material fulfilling his construction inputs.
2.A gardener says this provides nutrients to my plants.
3.A philosopher says soil is just another world- comprising all entities living and non-living.
Therefore,whether soil is living thing or non-living thing,let's ask ourselves.
Learning is no doubt a continuous process it a learner or a teacher.This is very true that all of us know how to plant a sapling, but how many of us really know how to maintain health of those plants which were planted during some intensive plantation drives organized by community groups.गमले में पौधा लगाना You may again say "so what if they die,i'll buy a new plant".......agreed but how honest one may be when they say "i didn't felt happy to see them grow and i didn't feel sad when the plant which i had bought from a distant garden shop died."
Mealy bugs,Aphids and Mosquitoes r truly a menace.Spraying of Pesticides-ORGANIC or
CHEMICAL with a Knapsack sprayer of 16 liters capacity tank is a wise decision
Ornamental citrus fruit plant or Calamondin Orange miniature chineses orange Citrus mitis is an hybrid between Citrofortunella microcarpa and Citrus japonica (syn. Fortunella margarita). These plants bearing edible small orange fruit has with tart, acid flavor are used mainly as an ornamental
संतरा Nagpuri santra is the great orange known as Nagpur orange.Orange नारंगी Citrus reticulata is also known as Mandarin Orange and Tangerine.
large garden-hanging basket freestanding hanging plant stand free-standing hanging basket plants
plants are generally planted in wrought iron garden basket stand supporting huge baskets and kept in outdoor garden
baskets - huge/large basket outdoor garden succulent plant Bryophyllum
ब्रायोफिलम Kalanchoe कैलेन्कोई Patharchatta पत्थरचट्टा Kalanchoe
blossfeldiana is a popular houseplant. Grown indoors or out for its
bright flowers and ornamental, fleshy foliage. Kalanchoe pinnata or Amar
poi is grown for its leaves and bark. Succulent family Kalanchoideae
includes the genera Adromischus, Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe and Tylecodon.
Many of the species in this family hybridize in both the wild and in
cultivation,therefore some plants lists have Bryophyllum the preferred
name and others use the name Kalanchoe
JADE plant जेड or Button cactus is also an option to begin gardening in pots. Jade trees i.e. Crassula spp
JADE plant जेड or Button cactus is also an option to begin gardening in pots. Jade trees i.e. Crassula spp
succulent plant Pilea microphylla ARTILLERY plant
succulent plant Senecio serpens or blue chalksticks. succulents such as Sedum, Geldbaum, Echeveria, Senecio, Hoya Heart, Haworthia, Agave, Aloe, Yucca, Kalanchoe and Aeonium with beautiful miniature decorations can create wonderful small gardens. Echinocactus, Gymnocalycium, Mammillaria, Crist Euphorbia, Brasilicactus are other succulents
succulent plant Senecio serpens or blue chalksticks. succulents such as Sedum, Geldbaum, Echeveria, Senecio, Hoya Heart, Haworthia, Agave, Aloe, Yucca, Kalanchoe and Aeonium with beautiful miniature decorations can create wonderful small gardens. Echinocactus, Gymnocalycium, Mammillaria, Crist Euphorbia, Brasilicactus are other succulents
Rockcress flower फूल Aubrieta deltoidea (Purple Rockcress) and Sweet Alyssum अलाईसम फूल Lobularia maritima look beautiful when grown in pots or used in bordering of flower beds
Primula malacoides FAIRY primrose. PRIMULA/Prime Rose/VERBANA r always colorful
Primula malacoides FAIRY primrose. PRIMULA/Prime Rose/VERBANA r always colorful
multiply by spores and do not produce flowers or seeds. Dryopteris
fern, Athyrium fern, Polystichum fern and Foxtail fern are grown in home
gardening. Ferns can be easily taken care of as they are hardy garden
plants and prefer shady locations
Money plant is represented by two genus namely Epipremnum and Scindapsus .Scindapsus sp like monstera,pothos and money plant vine. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron
Money plant is represented by two genus namely Epipremnum and Scindapsus .Scindapsus sp like monstera,pothos and money plant vine. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron
Garden plant nutrition and nutrient management
NPK fertilizers and MICRONUTRIENTS
Macro and micro nutrients for basal application as customized fertilizer are popular.Tata Paras Farmoola Sugarcane is an example in the category of customized fertilizers.It contains N 7%,P 20 %,K 18% and S 6%,Zn 0.5%,B 0.2 %.
Tata Paras Farmoola Sugarcane was initially priced at Rs.610 per 50kg bag.Its recommended basal dosage in sugarcane is four bags per acre.
NPK 12 32 16(e.g.complex fertilizer in GRANULAR form,IFFCO 50 kg MRP Rs.1060/- ) contains N 12 %,P 32%, K 16 %
NPK 19 19 19(e.g.Sujala,RCF);NPK 20 20 20(e.g.Shriram SHAKTI) and NPK 0 52 34(e.g.Shriram SAATHI) are Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizers and are readily taken up by plants
Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer or other CHEMICAL fertilizer (e.g.Urea,DAP,potash etc.) or ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Phosphorus Solubilizing bacteria or Potassium PSB) is a matter of availability and choice
MICRONUTRIENTS like Zinc Zn,Copper Cu,Iron Fe, Manganese Mn and Boron B are imporatnt.They have roles like Zn-Transformation of Carbohydrates;Cu -Fruit growth;Fe - Formation of Chlorophyll;Mn-Metabolism;B- Seed and fruit development

PLANT HORMONES,PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS and PLANT ENZYMES Often you may wonder why the seasonal vegetables plants in your home garden do not flower.U start guessing problems in your garden.Many a times you feel that growth of our garden plant is slower than you expect. Many of these kinds of problems can be overcome by use of Micro nutrients and Plant Growth regulators which are easily available in market. PLANT SHAMPOOS,Amino Acids,QUICK ROOT Hormones etc.......... Garden Owners – Are we aware how much we spend in maintaining home garden and for what purposes. |
Triancontanol 0.05 % EC | Triculan/Miraculan | Crystal Phos/Dow Agro |
Triacontanol 0.05 % Granules | Speed Up/Active Gr | Dhanuka/Insecti India |
Ascophyllum Sea Weed Extract based enzyme | Cryovita/Biovita | Crystal Phos/PI Indus |
Cytokinin based enzyme | Nanozim/Dhanzyme | BIOSTADT/Dhanuka |
ANA 4.5 % SL | Super Fix/Planofix | Indofil/Bayer |
Gibberelic Acid | Pro Gibb/Cryzib | Sumitomo/Crystal Phos |
Humic Acid | Nimhume | Nimla Organics |
Nitrobenzene(Combi. of Nitrogen and Sea Weed Ext.) | Morcha | Nimla Organics |
NPK fertilizers and MICRONUTRIENTS
Macro and micro nutrients for basal application as customized fertilizer are popular.Tata Paras Farmoola Sugarcane is an example in the category of customized fertilizers.It contains N 7%,P 20 %,K 18% and S 6%,Zn 0.5%,B 0.2 %.
Tata Paras Farmoola Sugarcane was initially priced at Rs.610 per 50kg bag.Its recommended basal dosage in sugarcane is four bags per acre.
NPK 12 32 16(e.g.complex fertilizer in GRANULAR form,IFFCO 50 kg MRP Rs.1060/- ) contains N 12 %,P 32%, K 16 %
NPK 19 19 19(e.g.Sujala,RCF);NPK 20 20 20(e.g.Shriram SHAKTI) and NPK 0 52 34(e.g.Shriram SAATHI) are Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizers and are readily taken up by plants
Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer or other CHEMICAL fertilizer (e.g.Urea,DAP,potash etc.) or ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Phosphorus Solubilizing bacteria or Potassium PSB) is a matter of availability and choice
MICRONUTRIENTS like Zinc Zn,Copper Cu,Iron Fe, Manganese Mn and Boron B are imporatnt.They have roles like Zn-Transformation of Carbohydrates;Cu -Fruit growth;Fe - Formation of Chlorophyll;Mn-Metabolism;B- Seed and fruit development
POT GARDENING - sowing in POT GARDEN of BALCONY GARDEN..............U too R ready with vegetable seed shop bills na !!!!!!!!!!!!
FLOWERS in pots simply change the whole look of your premises.
Flower lovers can go ahead with Calendula,Babuna Margeurite daisy,Dahlia,Calendula,Dog flower Antirrhinum,Salvia,Alyssum,Marigold Genda,Chrysanthemum,Pansy,Petunia,Stock,Phlox,Carnation,
Gladiolus,Lily,Cornflower,sweet williams,Dianthus,Ice plant,Aster,Hollyhock,nasturtium and many more
When we think of growing vegetables at our own for our kitchen garden,we start concerning about space.Frankly speaking,believe me,space is never a constraint in Gardening.You can begin gardening in ur balcony,common staircase area,corridor,windows and many such spaces.
WATER LILY- Hardy Lilies are perennial, and found in white, yellow or red. A wide pot of 14-16 inch size ,made of fabric with 25 - 30 litre water is good.Plant the rhizome on the edge of the container at a 45 degree angle, exposing the crown
Garden pots,Clay pots,Terracotta pots,Colorful ceramic pots and utensils made of white cement,ceramic pottery flower pots in various animal shapes like frogs, peacock,elephant,turtle,snake e.t.c. are always center of attraction in any of the garden forms.
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Often people put question - How to start a garden to take care of home to take care of to take care insects in my garden ?.In answer one may try following steps
STEP-1.Decide type of garden
Nowadays, people like theme based gardening
1.1.ORNAMENTAL BALCONY GARDEN - Beginning with new pots of Ornamental Plants that too with ORGANIC FERTILIZERS and ORGANIC PESTICIDES in Delhi generally costs around Rs.300/- approx.for each 8 inches diameter(22 cm) normal plastic pots.
GARDEN/Khet/FARM/Orchard Health n Protection Kit help a lot like a FIRST AID Kit for our PLANTS

So, start growing vegetables at your own and enjoy delicious home cooked food from home grown fresh veggies.
So, start growing vegetables at your own and enjoy delicious home cooked food from home grown fresh veggies.
Most green leafy veggies contain plenty of fiber, which helps slow the rise of blood sugar after eating.We
have a lot of options of green leafy vegetable and sag during winter.
Makki dee roti n sarson da saag among favourites.Mustard variety Pusa
Sag 1 is of good quality.
Palak,Methi,Bathu,Chaulai red and green leave can be easily seen at vegetable shops. palak पालक spinach is a green leafy vegetable rich in flavonoid antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
Indian spinach pusa all green , pusa bharti palak and exotic spinach variety Virginia Savoy are grown more. Spinach palak soup helps release gas from the intestine.
Virginia spinach is also popular.Pusa Early Bunching Methi fenugreek make good paranthas.
Pusa Lal Chaulai and Green leaved pusa kiran r good.
root Chukandar variety Crimson Globe is good in taste.Retail price of
Beetroot Chukandar in Delhi markets during mid May reach upto Rs.40/-kg
शलजम variety Pusa Swarnima, Pusa Chandrima, pusa shweti, Purple Top
White Globe Turnip(PTWG) are popular varities of turnip. चुकंदर beetroot
varieties Crimson Globe(CG) and Detroit Dark Red (DDR) are popular
मूली Among various kinds of Mooli i.e. Radish regular white radish variety pusa chetki, pusa rashmi, kashi hans, radish J.W
Jamuni or Jamuni Mooli purple fleshed,Pusa Gulabi, pink long chinese
pink radish, fleshed radish and Pusa Mridula or Lal Gol Mooli are
colored varieties. Red round radish also tastes good
Pusa meghna of Cauliflower gobhi for parantha make good combination with salads from Golden Acre variety of cabbage.
Carrot has
Vitamin A and beta-carotene, which keeps acne at bay.When we make
carrot a part of our daily diet, it will help to reduce acne
Carrot variety Pusa Asita is suitable for sowing from September to
October in the Northern Indian Plains. The roots are ready for harvest
during December-January. Maturity in 90-110 days.Carrot
variety Pusa Rudhira is known for its good taste and high juice
content.Nantes variety of carrot are widely used in
Carrot hybrid variety Pusa Nayanjyoti is sown during April-August in
hills and in November-December in the Northern Indian PlainsGajar ka
halua mil jaye to kya kehna.Carrot is a wonderful salad crop rich in
nutrients like carotenoids and minerals. Pusa Payasa is a cream coloured
variety of carrot.
are also available in various colors.Pusa Gulabi has pink color and
Pusa Jamuni variety of radish is a purple colored variety rich in
Corn, Beans and Squash are planted together in such a way that they aid each others' success.
Tall corn stalks provide support for beans to climb.
Beans is suitable for growing in all regions.Dolichos
bean -SEM varieties like Pusa Sem-2 and Pusa Sem-3 are popular.Pusa
Sukomal and Pusa Komal r varieties of Cowpea-LOBIA bean.
Majority of plants use nitrogen either in non-mobile ammonium form (NH4+) or mobile nitrate (NO3-) form.Nitrogen(N) is transported from the root to the shoot via the xylem in the form of Nitrate (NO3-).Urea is the major nitrogen (N) form supplied as fertilizer.Some anonymous literature mention that 50-60 % of N applied as foliar
urea are absorbed in potted plants within 3 days of application.In case
of foliar applications,urea after absorption into leaves,is broken
down to NH4+ and then assimilated into amino acid,which are then
translocated to tissues.Nitrogen present in Urea fertilizer will hydrolyze to ammonia prior to uptake by plants.Through the mass flow process,nitrogen present in root soil of root zone,moves with water toward the root.Urea is decomposed or hydrolyzed enzymatically in soil to ammonium form.NH4+ is often changed to the NO3-form by soil bacteria,which results in nitrogen loss.Nitrate
nitrogen also can be lost to the atmosphere through
denitrification(nitrate reduction) when soils become water
saturated.This is mainly because Nitrate nitrogen(NO3-) carries a negative charge and is not adsorbed onto soil particles,hence, is free to be leached from the soil. Loss of nitrogen from the top layer of soil (leaching) does not occur in case of Ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) as it carries a positive charge and is adsorbed onto soil particles.Some products like nitrification inhibitors decrease denitrification rates(inhibit conversion of non-mobile NH4+ form to mobile NO3-form).When Nitrogen remains in Ammonical form for longer period,its quantity and duration of its availbility to plants also increases,otherwise the negatively charged nitrate is repelled by the negative charges of the soil and is readily leached when water passes through the soil.This way we can reduce the loss of N.The ammonium form of nitrogen in long-term can lower soil pH,while calcium carbonate based nutrition product can increase pH over time.

Squash - large, ground-hugging, prickly squash leaves shade out weeds.
Summer season food calls for vegetables which are said to act as cool item for our stomach,Bottle Gourd is a good example in this category.
lauki or bottlegourd DUDHI long ghia घीया regular shaped varieties like
pusa santushti, pusa samridhi, pusa naveen and arka bahar. Among GOL
Ghia round varieties pusa sandesh is a chosen one.Oblong shaped
bottlegourd variety Punjab Komal fruits are of medium size with light
green color.
vegetables which can be chosen for sowing during feb-march in Delhi are
Ashgourd Petha,Pumpkin-Kaddu,Kakri and ,Round Gourd-Tinda and
TINDA टिंडा or Indian squash or round melon is grown during spring summer season in North Indian plains for its immature small round gourd,to be used as vegetable. Attractive green round fruits have is white flesh.Tinda Ludhiana variety plants are vigorous bearing 8-10 fruits per vine. Shiny tinda fruits of Ludhiana variety are medium in size,flattish-round and light green
सेम Sem Dolichos bean is also known as Hyacinth bean or Indian bean or Lablab purpureus. Pusa early prolific and Pusa Sem bear good quality pods
France bean or french bean फ्रेंच बीन्स arka komal, contender and pusa parvati are popular
गवार फली cluster bean Cyamopsis tetragonolobusै pods are also eaten as summer vegetable.
Pusa navbahar guar is popular for vegetable purpose
Retail price BHINDI -okra with local SABZI WALA in Delhi @ Rs.40/-kg during last week of May'14.

bhindi भिण्डी ladyfinger okra varieties are varsha uphar, arka anamika, pusa A4, parbhani kranti and ganga hybrid.

TINDA टिंडा or Indian squash or round melon is grown during spring summer season in North Indian plains for its immature small round gourd,to be used as vegetable. Attractive green round fruits have is white flesh.Tinda Ludhiana variety plants are vigorous bearing 8-10 fruits per vine. Shiny tinda fruits of Ludhiana variety are medium in size,flattish-round and light green
सेम Sem Dolichos bean is also known as Hyacinth bean or Indian bean or Lablab purpureus. Pusa early prolific and Pusa Sem bear good quality pods
France bean or french bean फ्रेंच बीन्स arka komal, contender and pusa parvati are popular
गवार फली cluster bean Cyamopsis tetragonolobusै pods are also eaten as summer vegetable.

Pusa navbahar guar is popular for vegetable purpose
Retail price BHINDI -okra with local SABZI WALA in Delhi @ Rs.40/-kg during last week of May'14.
bhindi भिण्डी ladyfinger okra varieties are varsha uphar, arka anamika, pusa A4, parbhani kranti and ganga hybrid.

Flowers are the beautiful part of any garden form
Science says seeing is believing.....Gerbera (Barberton Daisy)-flower is nothing but beauty.
ROSE is the other botanical royalty of Valentine’s Day. U too have booked Roses and Cut Flowers for ur Valentine na !!!!!!!! During Victorian times, flowers were given special meanings and small bouquets would be given to friends and lovers in lieu of notes or letters.No other flower inspires more sentiment than the rose. A symbol of love, beauty and peace.
In Banjaran variety the colour is a blend of gold and flame red. The red softens to flame pink in later stages whereas,the colour of Ganga variety varies from pale yellow to gold
Spiritualism says feeling is believing..........the aroma of Gulab-ROSE can only be felt.Rose is a popular cut flower.Yellow Rose - peela gulab Pusa Pitamber variety has attractive golden yellow coloured flowers with sweet fragrance. Produces very big bushes. Very good for gardens and exhibition purpose. Tolerant to powdery mildew and black spot.It may produce 30-40 flowers/plant in season
Rose - Gulab- the flower every house wants to own.It comes in numerous varieties.Pusa Arun produces dark red, large sized, double blooms on strong and long shoots.Pusa Gaurav has large sized flowers of deep pink color,produced on long stems.

Pusa Ajay and Pusa Shatabdi are other variety with pink color flower.ROSE -To have healthy and good sized flowers from roses, their irrigation should be quite timely as with the onset of summer season, they require more frequent watering. Other cultural practices should also be carried out regularly, only then we can prolong the flowering period of roses.
Keep on removing the dried, diseased shoots and root suckers. Water the beds twice a week for proper health of the plants.
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Gardening can be experienced through seeing and feeling the beauty of PANSY/Monkey Flower can be enjoyed more when u grow with your own hands.Therefore,gardening is a hobby for some and passion for others
Gardening adds happiness to our hectic competitive life.EXPERIENCE it to BELIEVE it
Therefore the time has now come that every Indian,whether in Urban or Rural areas should make attempts by spending sometime with children particularly in the age group of 3 yrs to 10 years and teach them about nature.
has witnessed a Green Revolution but the present generation is very
much aware that there are far better career options than to work in the
field of Agriculture.Above statements used in parenting are signs of
concern for future.Therefore the time has now come that every
Indian,whether in Urban or Rural areas should make attempts by spending
sometime with children particularly in the age group of 3 yrs to 10
years and teach them about nature.
Just let kids play around pots in your balcony,kitchen garden,home garden or terrace garden.
Make them familiar about basic aspects of nature.
1.SOIL has various meanings in our day to day life.
1.A builder says this is dead material fulfilling his construction inputs.
2.A gardener says this provides nutrients to my plants.
3.A philosopher says soil is just another world- comprising all entities living and non-living.
Therefore,whether soil is living thing or non-living thing,let's ask ourselves.
So,let's come closer to soil,be close to nature and we can find ourselves NATURAL.
How of many of us really know how to take
care of house plants, placed in your balcony,terrace or staircase area.
Learning is no doubt a continuous process it a learner or a teacher.This is very true that all of us know how to plant a sapling, but how many of us really know how to maintain health of those plants which were planted during some intensive plantation drives organized by community groups.गमले में पौधा लगाना You may again say "so what if they die,i'll buy a new plant".......agreed but how honest one may be when they say "i didn't felt happy to see them grow and i didn't feel sad when the plant which i had bought from a distant garden shop died."
you have understanding of some basic aspects of gardening,u need not
to buy a new plant everytime,u may not require to spend a good amount
of your hard earned money on gardening very frequently and that too
when some times that spending is not required.
Enzymes,PLANT SHAMPOOS,Amino Acids,QUICK ROOT Hormones etc..........
Garden Owners – Are we aware how much we spend in maintaining home
garden and for what purposes.May be possible that u could have saved that plant of yours and u cannot just imagine the happiness in doing so.
Mealy bugs,Aphids and Mosquitoes r truly a menace.Spraying of Pesticides-ORGANIC or
CHEMICAL with a Knapsack sprayer of 16 liters capacity tank is a wise decision

Ornamental citrus fruit plant or Calamondin Orange miniature chineses orange Citrus mitis is an hybrid between Citrofortunella microcarpa and Citrus japonica (syn. Fortunella margarita). These plants bearing edible small orange fruit has with tart, acid flavor are used mainly as an ornamental
संतरा Nagpuri santra is the great orange known as Nagpur orange.Orange नारंगी Citrus reticulata is also known as Mandarin Orange and Tangerine.
Karela Bitter Gourd bitterness for your good health are useful in
performing our day to day gardening activities
grown from seeds are cut with scissors at the time of cooking, when
first leaves appear in a week of growth. Microgreens when added as fine
garnish enhance flavour in dishes. Salad crops namely basil, arugula,
chives, parsley, amaranthus, beet root, coriander, radish and kale are
preferred to be grown as microgreens
Chilli मिर्च green chilli हरी मिर्च red chilli लाल मिर्च varieties such as pusa sada bahar chilli (PSB), arka meghana chilli and pusa jwala chilli. Brinjal baingan बैंगन eggplant aubergine garden egg round bharta baigan varieties pusa hybrid 9 brinjal and pusa hybrid 6 brinjal;purple long varieties such as pusa purple long(PPL) and pusa shyamala;green long brinjal variety arka kusumkar and oblong brinjal variety pusa kranti
egg सफ़ेद बैंगन eggplant ...................Brinjal aubergine baingan
is by default the king of
vegetables...............................................a poet wrote
"khade masur kee dal bhaiya baingan bade mazedar"
this PRINCE.....a tiny little eggplant fruit is too eager to enjoy its
royal status in a balcony pot garden
enjoy this royal vegetable in whatever form u like....Can u resist BAIGAN KA BHARTA and BAINGAN CHAKKA/tarua PAKODA
RAJMA plant -Kidney Bean -Missing Rajma - Chawal --yes ur favourite Rajmah is suffering from disease CHICKPEA-Gram-CHANA are mainly of two types.Black colored small grain Bengal Gram and White colored Bold grained Kabuli chana
Jukini-Zuchini-Summer Squash are immensly popular as one of the major constituent ingredient of fast foods.Chowmein,NOODLES,Salads,PI
Flower crops like Rose,Chrysanthemum,Carnation and Gerbera are highly remunerative when cultivated in climate controlled green house.The application of artificial photoperiod in short day crop increases flower yield. We often find black tiny insects called Aphids,sucking plant cell sap and thus causing damage to plant.These can be sprayed with chemicals like Tolfenpyrad 15% EC(PI Industries) or Pymetrozin 50% WG(Syngenta). Chrysanthemum Guladaudi variety Pusa Chitraksha produces single flowers that are deep magenta in colour.The Plants are bushy (24-30 branches), tall in height (60-65 cm) with excellent spread (60-65 cm) .. ![]() ... क्रिसेन्थमम guldaudi गुलदाउदी chrysanthemum plants can be trained to get desirable shape and size of plant,according to their types viz. standard and spray type.In the large flowered ‘standard’ type varieties,t he plants are pinched if more than one branch is desired i.e. 2 to 3 main branches. The small flowered ‘spray’ type varieties should be pinched by removing terminal buds when the plant height is 8-10 cm. क्रिसेन्थमम guldaudi गुलदाउदी Chrysanthemum Guldaudi variety Pusa Anmol produces three flowers flushes in a year (October-November, February-March and June-July) as against one in a majority of the cultivars. Guldaudi variety amongst standards are Pusa Arunodaya with orange flowers, Pusa Centenary with yellow flowers, Pusa Kesari and Pusa Anmol with yellowish pink flowers. Pusa Chitraksha produces single flowers that are deep magenta in colour. Pusa Centenary, Pusa Kesar, Pusa Aditya, Pusa Sona are some other popular varieties of Chrysanthemum ![]() Chrysanthemums or chrysanths or mums, a herbaceous perennial belong to the family Asteraceae. Hybrid Guldaudi is generally called as Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum grandiflorum क्रिसेन्थमम गुलदाउदी Tall palnts, single-stemmed chrysanthemums bearing huge flowers of size more than 4 inches with irregular incurve florets are popular exhibition varieties. Plant the cuttings in early July Staking is done preferably with strong, split bamboo stakes which are inserted deep enough in the soil to support a full grown chrysanthemum. Yellow Charm, Obsession, Garden Beauty, Alfred Wilson, Valiant, Thai Ching Queen, Boris Wilson, Cassa Granda, Mother Teresa and Kelvin Mandrainare attractive varieties of chrysanthemum flowers Garden........big or small,with vegetable or ornamental......will always add happiness to your life. Lawn grass roots demand oxygen.In good soil,they get the oxygen from tiny pockets of air trapped between soil and sand particles.Mowing,watering,pesticide and fertilizer applications on a routine basis is a great way to get fast, smooth and healthy green area LAWN MANAGEMENT |
1.Prepare Lawn

2.Lawn aftercare and management
1.Routine Maintenance, Levelling of the grass with the help of grass cutting machine. Pruning and watering as required in various climatic conditions.
क्या ऐसा होता हैै की पौधा अच्छा है पर फूल नही आए -- जानते हैं क्यों !!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !
Maple trees and Barberry shrubs are commonly found in the Himalayan regions.Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries.Boxthorn barberry or Berberis lycium beras green leaves and black berries.Tree turmeric barberry or Berberis aristata have green leaves and bright red edible berries.Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes.Growth of maples trees reaches more than 100 ft height while shrubs of maple are less than 30 ft high
The Himalayan Maple or Pharjanj or Kirmoli or Acer oblongum is unique among Maples as it stays green all winter.Red maple Acer rubrum is known for its red autumn leaves.Gold Spot plant Euonymus japonicus aureovariegata shrub,cherry laurel Prunus laurocera for ornamental hedge,boxleaf honeysuckle Lonicera nitida and box plant Buxus sempervirens for garden fencing in form of ornamental hedge are other plants of economic importance
MEDICINAL and AROMATIC Products are of significant importance in AYUSH - So,do explore Ayurveda and Yoga,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy atleast for day to day care of ourselves.
All balcony railing with bitter gourd karela cover.Pusa Rasdar and Pusa Do Mausami are good varieties.
Start with BEANS n GARLIC as Spring Sown (Feb-March) Summer Crop.Space is not a constraint .
KARELA -Bitter Gourd as Summer Sown (July-Aug) Monsoon (KHARIF) Crop following BEANS
MATAR - Garden Peas -WINTER Crop- AUTUMN (Oct-Nov) Sown taking charge from KARELA -Bitter Gourd.Matar GP 473 n Arkel variety of garden peas.Among private company garden pea Golden Peas GS-10 of UPL company is well known.Matar varieties Pusa Prabhat (DDR 23),Pusa Panna (DDR 27) Pusa Mukta (DDR 55) are used as Fieldpea Matar-PEAS-Protein Carbo r essential alongwith EXERCISE and TRAINING in body building
Antioxidants is a widely used term among skin conscious people.Antibodies are known to protect DNA from mutation and breakdown.Antioxidants are substances that may protect skin cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.
Pimples are known to be a fear factor among many people.Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples.Acne is a skin condition that occurs when our hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne most commonly appears on our face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Acne can be distressing and annoyingly persistent. Acne lesions heal slowly, and when one begins to resolve, others seem to crop up.Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and lead to scarring of the skin.
Packed with inflammation-fighting nutrients and loads of antioxidants,vegetables like spinach, cucumber, capsicum have a good amount of Vitamin A and C, which helps in reducing acne.Beta-carotene,Vitamin C,Vitamin E,Zinc and Selenium are major substances that act as antioxidants.
Corn,Capsicum,Carrot,Beet Root,Turnip,Asparagus and Melons among vegetables and Peach,Apricot and Mango among fruits are good sources of beta carotene.Vitamin C can be obtained from Straberries,Kiwi and Amla fruits.Spinach and Flaxseed are good sources of Vitamin E.Zinc can be derived from beans
2.Lawn aftercare and management
1.Routine Maintenance, Levelling of the grass with the help of grass cutting machine. Pruning and watering as required in various climatic conditions.
2.Maintenance of grass, including cutting of grass whenever required.
all plants including lawn for disease or insect damage weekly. Treat
affected material 4.immediately with prescribed insecticides and
5.Immediately remove any dead or dying plants not in a vigorous thriving condition.
of seasonal flower by hybrid seeds of different type of flower in
summer & winter in the existing flower beds.
7.The type of seasonal flower could be planted is as below:‐
Aster Hybrid, Dianthus, Calendula, Sunflower, Guldaudi, Marigold,
Zinnia, Dog flower, Balsam, Kochia, Gailardia, Sweet alyssum, Petunia,
8.Maintenance permanent plants pots.
9.Pruning and cutting of the plants whenever required.
10.The lawn grass should be maintained thick, cushioning. The appearance should be greeny and free from weeds.
11.Uprooting weeds and rake vegetation so that garden is clean and free from weeds round the year.
12.Providing support and grooming the shrubs.
13.Trim all trees and shrubs to establish desired form, habit and appearance
14.Make “Thala”(a soccer type shallow soil pit around the tree for aeration, proper watering) for each and every tree.
colored Sweet Williams,red Phlox,yellow Coreopsis,maroon Sweet
Williams,white Petunia,colorful Pansy,ang golden Matricaria make your
flower bed eye-catching when they flower during spring season
does not always mean only complex ideas.Sometimes,simple ideas also
beautify our surroundings.Garden beds can be transplantes with Seasonal flowers in Nov. last week in Delhi
is what we call accomplishment of primary objective.Garden Landscape
bads may appear like this in January last week in Delhi
Your garden may appear like this in March last week. Seasonal Flowers like purple colored Sweet Williams, Phlox, Coreopsis, Petunia, Pansy, Matricaria.
US President Barack Obama planting Peepal/Pipal Tree Ficus religiosa in Rajghat,New Delhi.
Planting a sapling or Gardening in your balcony pots is your first return gift to mother earth and your first step towards good health of your family.Do u have Kitchen Garden! Do u have Pots in your home!! Do they have poor growth!!! Are leaves blackened !!!!!!! Are there minute insects!!!!!!!. Space is never a constraint in gardening.Gardening is never ever dependent upon space..........we only need to spare some time to build space in our mind to accommodate gardening thoughts
Planting a sapling or Gardening in your balcony pots is your first return gift to mother earth and your first step towards good health of your family.Do u have Kitchen Garden! Do u have Pots in your home!! Do they have poor growth!!! Are leaves blackened !!!!!!! Are there minute insects!!!!!!!. Space is never a constraint in gardening.Gardening is never ever dependent upon space..........we only need to spare some time to build space in our mind to accommodate gardening thoughts
Ashok or Saraca asoca सीता अशोक and False Ashok or देवदार अशोक Devdar Ashok are different.
अंजीर dry fig or Anjir and fig or Indian Fig or cluster fig or गूलर Gular are different
Makhan Katori माखन कटोरी or Krishna Fig or Ficus benghalensis var. krishnae
कदम्ब Kadamb or Neolamarckia cadamba flowers are orange, small, in dense globose heads which appear like solid, hairy orange balls
Ou Tenga fruit औउ टेन्गा or ouu khatta or Chalta चलता फल or Elephant Apple
KATHAL जैक्फ्रूट jackfruit कटहल panas पनस (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
BADHAL बड़हल DHEU ढ़ेऊ Artocarpus lacucha, also known as monkey jack fruit or barhar बरहङ badahar बडहर dewa टाट Taat is a tropical evergreen tree species of the family Moraceae
अंजीर dry fig or Anjir and fig or Indian Fig or cluster fig or गूलर Gular are different
Makhan Katori माखन कटोरी or Krishna Fig or Ficus benghalensis var. krishnae
कदम्ब Kadamb or Neolamarckia cadamba flowers are orange, small, in dense globose heads which appear like solid, hairy orange balls
Ou Tenga fruit औउ टेन्गा or ouu khatta or Chalta चलता फल or Elephant Apple
KATHAL जैक्फ्रूट jackfruit कटहल panas पनस (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
BADHAL बड़हल DHEU ढ़ेऊ Artocarpus lacucha, also known as monkey jack fruit or barhar बरहङ badahar बडहर dewa टाट Taat is a tropical evergreen tree species of the family Moraceae
tree or Terminalia mantaly gives shade like an umbrella and popular as
Avenue tree for landscaping in large area. Umbrella tree is a flowering
tree belonging to family Combretaceae. Terminalia mantaly tree or
umbrella tree looks amazing during night also. This ornamental tree
with conspicuously layered branches on erect stem can grow upto 20 m
high. It bears whorls of branches growing in layers at right angles
क्या ऐसा होता हैै की पौधा अच्छा है पर फूल नही आए -- जानते हैं क्यों !!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !
INDOOR GARDENING- Plants kept indoors really complete a home decoration.
MEDICINAL PLANTS HERBAL GARDENMaple trees and Barberry shrubs are commonly found in the Himalayan regions.Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries.Boxthorn barberry or Berberis lycium beras green leaves and black berries.Tree turmeric barberry or Berberis aristata have green leaves and bright red edible berries.Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes.Growth of maples trees reaches more than 100 ft height while shrubs of maple are less than 30 ft high
The Himalayan Maple or Pharjanj or Kirmoli or Acer oblongum is unique among Maples as it stays green all winter.Red maple Acer rubrum is known for its red autumn leaves.Gold Spot plant Euonymus japonicus aureovariegata shrub,cherry laurel Prunus laurocera for ornamental hedge,boxleaf honeysuckle Lonicera nitida and box plant Buxus sempervirens for garden fencing in form of ornamental hedge are other plants of economic importance
MEDICINAL and AROMATIC Products are of significant importance in AYUSH - So,do explore Ayurveda and Yoga,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy atleast for day to day care of ourselves.
All balcony railing with bitter gourd karela cover.Pusa Rasdar and Pusa Do Mausami are good varieties.
Vegetable Gardening is an ideal example of kitchen garden.Retail
price of Karela- bittergourd with local SABZI WALA in Delhi was
Rs.40/-kg during last week of May'14.Varieties developed by private
seed production companies like Vinay(Advance Seeds),Jaunpuri(Raunak -
Omaxe Seeds) and CS-15 (Chandra seeds) can be seed in home gardens of
Gourd .i.e.Plain Normal Tori variety Pusa Sneha and Ridge Gourd Jhingli
variety Pusa Nutan are popular,similarly Harika-51TORI from Mayur Seeds
and Jaipuri Long JHINGLI (Krishna seeds) share space in seed markets
of Delhi NCR

Start with BEANS n GARLIC as Spring Sown (Feb-March) Summer Crop.Space is not a constraint .
KARELA -Bitter Gourd as Summer Sown (July-Aug) Monsoon (KHARIF) Crop following BEANS
सब्जियों के बीज सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के लिये seeds for vegetable gardening in winter season
टोमाटो TAMATAR टमाटर - Cherry Tomato चेरी टोमाटो Cherry tomato चेरी
टोमाटो (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) is a highly priced
culinary as well as ornamental vegetable
MATAR - Garden Peas -WINTER Crop- AUTUMN (Oct-Nov) Sown taking charge from KARELA -Bitter Gourd.Matar GP 473 n Arkel variety of garden peas.Among private company garden pea Golden Peas GS-10 of UPL company is well known.Matar varieties Pusa Prabhat (DDR 23),Pusa Panna (DDR 27) Pusa Mukta (DDR 55) are used as Fieldpea Matar-PEAS-Protein Carbo r essential alongwith EXERCISE and TRAINING in body building
Pimples are known to be a fear factor among many people.Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples.Acne is a skin condition that occurs when our hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne most commonly appears on our face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Acne can be distressing and annoyingly persistent. Acne lesions heal slowly, and when one begins to resolve, others seem to crop up.Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and lead to scarring of the skin.
Packed with inflammation-fighting nutrients and loads of antioxidants,vegetables like spinach, cucumber, capsicum have a good amount of Vitamin A and C, which helps in reducing acne.Beta-carotene,Vitamin C,Vitamin E,Zinc and Selenium are major substances that act as antioxidants.
Corn,Capsicum,Carrot,Beet Root,Turnip,Asparagus and Melons among vegetables and Peach,Apricot and Mango among fruits are good sources of beta carotene.Vitamin C can be obtained from Straberries,Kiwi and Amla fruits.Spinach and Flaxseed are good sources of Vitamin E.Zinc can be derived from beans
is not just about having some Potted Foliage Plants,rather its all
about realizing nature within ur living premises. आप भी कुछ वक़्त गुजारें
gardening information जानकारी .............. उपयोगी रोचक बातें
broadbean सेम Sem सेम वाल sem vaal
टिंडा TINDA or Indian squash or round melon is grown during spring summer season
सलाद वाली फसल
palak spinach पालक
radish mooli मूली
spring onion स्प्रिंग अनियन प्याज pyaz ડુંગળી dungri कांदा piaz हरा प्याज green onion
nimbu नींबू Lime. Orange संतरा नारंगी,
Amaranthus चौलाई chaulai, लाल साग lal sag,रामदाना ramdana.
ALOEVERA एलोवेरा DHRITKUMARI घर्रितकुमारी GWARPATHA ग्वारपाठा घीक्वार GHEEKWAR
टरमरिक turmeric हल्दी haldi in garden pot गमला गार्डनिंग पौट
Imli इमली or Tamarind plant in balcony pot......good idea na !!!!
चाइनीज़ ऑरेन्ज small संतरा ornamental citrus fruit plant or Calamondin Orange miniature chineses orange Citrus mitis is an hybrid between Citrofortunella microcarpa and Citrus japonica (syn. Fortunella margarita). These plants bearing edible small orange fruit has with tart, acid flavor are used mainly as an ornamental tree
Orange नारंगी Nagpuri santra is the great orange known as Nagpur orange Citrus reticulata is also known as Mandarin Orange and Tangerine
mango pickle रामकेला आम सेे बना आचार Achaar wale aam matlab.......................... RAMKELA. ramkela variety is best for this pickle सुकुल आम Green sukul aam and gola achar are also good pickle mango varieties
woodapple कैठ kaith katbel kovit or Limonia acidissima belonging to Rutaceae i.e.citrus family has edible sweet and sour tasting fruit used for making savory n chutney
गॉर्डनिंग मिट्टी तैयार करना garden soil preparation गॉर्डन सॉइल प्रिपेरेशॅन....
Humic acid ह्यूमिक एसिड based बायोफरटीलाईज़र Humic substances are known as the primary organic components of soil. Humic and fulvic acids are both humic substances
ROSE FLOWER गुलाब का फूल
Chrysanthemum grandiflorum क्रिसेन्थमम गुलदाउदी
sunflower सूरजमुखी and marigold गेंदा फूल
BELA बेला Jasminum sambac, GULAB गुलाब Rosa sinensis, JUHI जूही jui flower Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA चम्पा Plumeria sp, CHAMELI चमेली Jasminum grandiflora
harsingar हर सिंगार Paarijat पारिजात Nyctanthes arbortristis flowers can be seen as carpet of flowers in the morning. They bloom opening occurs at night and drop off in the morning. Harsingar हर सिंगार white flower with orange-red stalks
Raat ki raniरात की रानी Cestrum nocturnum bears greenish creamy white tubular flower
Cycas revoluta साइकस पाम
Saru सरू or Casuarina कसुअरिना or saro or Whistling Pine
winter sown veg - exotic विंटर वेजिटेबल एग्जॉटिक सब्जि सर्दी बुआई के लिये
aquatic plants पानी में उगने वाले पौधे such as Hygrorhiza aristata, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Sporobslus indica and Polygonum globrum are used in gardening
paniculata flowers look-like pink ixora but can can be easily
distinguished because of its leaves हाइड्रेंजिया फूल Limelight variety
of hydrangea flower is a deciduous flowering shrub that bears pinkish
white florets. Hydrangea paniculata blooms well when it receives atleast
five hours of full sunlight. Other varieties of hydrangea flower are
okay with sunlight in the morning and shade afternoon ie. partial shade
arrowroot plant अरारोट or tikhor or tavaksiri or West-Indian Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea starch is sold as arrowroot flour
Those who seek information on various basic aspects of gardening look for these kind of social gathering events or they search Gardening Magazine, Gardeningforum,
गार्डनिंग क्लासेस
वर्टीकल गार्डनिंग vertical gardening
Microorganisms Nitrogen fixing bacteria, Phosphorus solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilizing bacteria are safe to environment and humans.Fungi कवक are known to play a vital role as decomposers. Waste decomposer अपशिष्ट अपघटक organisms are used in compost production units ये मृत पौधों को अपघटन में सहायता करते हैं. Fungi based waste decomposer कवक स्रोत अपशिष्ट अपघटक can be prepared by various methods. Compost fungi are nowadays becoming popular. Compost inoculants
organic fertilizer through nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter is used for non-leguminous vegetables. Azospirillum inoculants are recommended in non-leguminous plants like oats and millets
Panchgavya पंचगव्य generally refers to five cow products namely cow dung, cow urine, cow milk, curd from cow milk and ghee from cow milk
Chinar चिनार has lobed, palmate maple-like leaves but in alternate leaf arrangement. Chinar belong to genus Platanus in Platanaceae family.Platanus orientalis is the common chinar tree.
Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes
Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries
How to Grow ROSE in Pots -requires a lot of care
Rose flower do not bring thorns always.The short to medium stature bushes of pink coloured Pusa Komal variety of Rose GULAB are completely thornless. The variety possesses strong stems with multiple flower buds arranged in different heights, which open in a sequential manner. The pink coloured buds are pointed in shape and unfurl in to double flowers. The variety produces very attractive pink coloured flowers. This variety is moderately tolerant to threats like thrips,powdery mildew and black spot diseases.

NPK 12 32 16(e.g.complex fertilizer,IFFCO.50 kg MRP Rs.1060/- ) granular form for soil application may be applied before sowing @ 250 per 10 GAZ or approx.10 sq.m or approx 100 sq.ft garden bed area at the depth of 5 cm below seed
Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer 19-19-19 NPK e.g.Sujala (Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd).Another example is NPK 0:52:34 Mono Potassium Phosphate,a water soluble fertilizer for foliar application contains two essential plant nutrients i.e. Phosphorus (52% P2O5) and Potassium (34% K2O).It promotes profuse flowering and fruit setting in vegetables

NPK 19 19 19(e.g.Sujala,RCF);NPK 20 20 20(e.g.Shriram SHAKTI) and NPK 0 52 34(e.g.Shriram SAATHI) are Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizers and are readily taken up by plants Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer or other CHEMICAL fertilizer (e.g.Urea,DAP,potash etc.) or ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Phosphorus Solubilizing bacteria or Potassium PSB) is a matter of availability and choice
gardening information जानकारी .............. उपयोगी रोचक बातें
टिंडा TINDA or Indian squash or round melon is grown during spring summer season
सलाद वाली फसल
palak spinach पालक
radish mooli मूली
spring onion स्प्रिंग अनियन प्याज pyaz ડુંગળી dungri कांदा piaz हरा प्याज green onion
nimbu नींबू Lime. Orange संतरा नारंगी,
Amaranthus चौलाई chaulai, लाल साग lal sag,रामदाना ramdana.
ALOEVERA एलोवेरा DHRITKUMARI घर्रितकुमारी GWARPATHA ग्वारपाठा घीक्वार GHEEKWAR
टरमरिक turmeric हल्दी haldi in garden pot गमला गार्डनिंग पौट
Imli इमली or Tamarind plant in balcony pot......good idea na !!!!
चाइनीज़ ऑरेन्ज small संतरा ornamental citrus fruit plant or Calamondin Orange miniature chineses orange Citrus mitis is an hybrid between Citrofortunella microcarpa and Citrus japonica (syn. Fortunella margarita). These plants bearing edible small orange fruit has with tart, acid flavor are used mainly as an ornamental tree
Orange नारंगी Nagpuri santra is the great orange known as Nagpur orange Citrus reticulata is also known as Mandarin Orange and Tangerine
mango pickle रामकेला आम सेे बना आचार Achaar wale aam matlab.......................... RAMKELA. ramkela variety is best for this pickle सुकुल आम Green sukul aam and gola achar are also good pickle mango varieties
woodapple कैठ kaith katbel kovit or Limonia acidissima belonging to Rutaceae i.e.citrus family has edible sweet and sour tasting fruit used for making savory n chutney
गॉर्डनिंग मिट्टी तैयार करना garden soil preparation गॉर्डन सॉइल प्रिपेरेशॅन....
Humic acid ह्यूमिक एसिड based बायोफरटीलाईज़र Humic substances are known as the primary organic components of soil. Humic and fulvic acids are both humic substances
पौधे आप नरसरी से जितने मर्जी ले अाएं ........... खुशी तो आपको अपने हाथ से लागये पोधे को देखकर ही होगी
Chrysanthemum grandiflorum क्रिसेन्थमम गुलदाउदी
sunflower सूरजमुखी and marigold गेंदा फूल
BELA बेला Jasminum sambac, GULAB गुलाब Rosa sinensis, JUHI जूही jui flower Jasminum auriculatum, CHAMPA चम्पा Plumeria sp, CHAMELI चमेली Jasminum grandiflora
harsingar हर सिंगार Paarijat पारिजात Nyctanthes arbortristis flowers can be seen as carpet of flowers in the morning. They bloom opening occurs at night and drop off in the morning. Harsingar हर सिंगार white flower with orange-red stalks
Raat ki raniरात की रानी Cestrum nocturnum bears greenish creamy white tubular flower
Cycas revoluta साइकस पाम
Saru सरू or Casuarina कसुअरिना or saro or Whistling Pine
winter sown veg - exotic विंटर वेजिटेबल एग्जॉटिक सब्जि सर्दी बुआई के लिये
aquatic plants पानी में उगने वाले पौधे such as Hygrorhiza aristata, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Sporobslus indica and Polygonum globrum are used in gardening
arrowroot plant अरारोट or tikhor or tavaksiri or West-Indian Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea starch is sold as arrowroot flour
Those who seek information on various basic aspects of gardening look for these kind of social gathering events or they search Gardening Magazine, Gardeningforum,
GardeningApp, Gardening videos, Gardening teacher and ........… so many
other sources of information on Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown and
also for Gardening in Winter - Autumn Sown.
गार्डनिंग सीज़न आ गया --- सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज
Nasturtium नस्टरसियम
Phlox flower - November sown फ्लौक्स फूल
"गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " should not be a concern for you
Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown
spring sown SUMMER flowers फूलों के बीज गर्मी समर बुआई के लिये
लाल मुर्ग़ा फूल Cockscomb plants or Celosia cristata
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
vat savitri puja वट सावित्री पूजा.....Banyan tree kee puja hoti hai for long life of husband.Bargad ko VAT vriksh वट वृक्ष bhee kehte hai,so this festival is also called VAT - SAVITRI Puja in which banyan tree is worshiped
गार्डनिंग सीज़न आ गया --- सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज
Nasturtium नस्टरसियम
Phlox flower - November sown फ्लौक्स फूल
"गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " should not be a concern for you
Gardening in Summer -Spring Sown
spring sown SUMMER flowers फूलों के बीज गर्मी समर बुआई के लिये
लाल मुर्ग़ा फूल Cockscomb plants or Celosia cristata
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
vat savitri puja वट सावित्री पूजा.....Banyan tree kee puja hoti hai for long life of husband.Bargad ko VAT vriksh वट वृक्ष bhee kehte hai,so this festival is also called VAT - SAVITRI Puja in which banyan tree is worshiped
These information about Garden plant nutrition and nutrient management,
Plant hormones Growth Regulator Stimulant Enzyme PGR,Picture of plants and trees,
Picture of insects keedemakode keet garden pests,Herbal Medicinal Plants Gardens aromatic culinary herbs gardening,Ornamental
and flower POT GARDENING,balcony garden and Vegetable Gardening to grow
brinjal baingan,eggplant aubergine garden egg,Tomato tamatar tameta,Capsicum SWEET Pepper bell pepper Shimla MIRCH chilli,
Karela Bitter Gourd bitterness for your good health are useful in
performing our day to day gardening activities.
Chilli means Hot ..... whatever color it is !!!!! black color chilli काले रंग वाली हरी मिर्च dark purple hot chilli बैंगनी मिर्च violet chilli purple chilli black chilli is amazing na !!! Chilli Violet color तीन महीने बाद मिर्चि लाल हो गई ......... purple mirch turns red after about 3 months
लगा लिया आपने !!!!!!! mint pudina mentha is one of the important
members in your herbal balcony pot garden. Tulsi तुलसी Holy basil or
Ocimum sanctum; Curry plant कढ़ी पत्ता Kadi patta करी पत्ता Murraya
Curry Leaf plant; PUDINA पुदीना MENTHA or MINT; Bryophyllum ब्रायोफिलम
Kalanchoe कैलेन्कोई Patharchatta पत्थरचट्टा; Brinjal baingan बैंगन
eggplant aubergine garden egg; Chiku चीकू Sapota सपोटाChilli means Hot ..... whatever color it is !!!!! black color chilli काले रंग वाली हरी मिर्च dark purple hot chilli बैंगनी मिर्च violet chilli purple chilli black chilli is amazing na !!! Chilli Violet color तीन महीने बाद मिर्चि लाल हो गई ......... purple mirch turns red after about 3 months
गार्डनिंग क्लासेस
वर्टीकल गार्डनिंग vertical gardening
Microorganisms Nitrogen fixing bacteria, Phosphorus solubilising bacteria and potassium solubilizing bacteria are safe to environment and humans.Fungi कवक are known to play a vital role as decomposers. Waste decomposer अपशिष्ट अपघटक organisms are used in compost production units ये मृत पौधों को अपघटन में सहायता करते हैं. Fungi based waste decomposer कवक स्रोत अपशिष्ट अपघटक can be prepared by various methods. Compost fungi are nowadays becoming popular. Compost inoculants
organic fertilizer through nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter is used for non-leguminous vegetables. Azospirillum inoculants are recommended in non-leguminous plants like oats and millets
Panchgavya पंचगव्य generally refers to five cow products namely cow dung, cow urine, cow milk, curd from cow milk and ghee from cow milk
Chinar चिनार has lobed, palmate maple-like leaves but in alternate leaf arrangement. Chinar belong to genus Platanus in Platanaceae family.Platanus orientalis is the common chinar tree.
Maples belong to genus Acer.Maple leaves in opposite leaf arrangement are palmate veined with lobes
Indian barberry or चित्रा Darhaldi or Berberis chitria has green leaves and dark red-brown berries
GARDENING - do u think that this is just a hobby !!!!!!!!!!! It is much beyond just being ur pastime.
Rose flower do not bring thorns always.The short to medium stature bushes of pink coloured Pusa Komal variety of Rose GULAB are completely thornless. The variety possesses strong stems with multiple flower buds arranged in different heights, which open in a sequential manner. The pink coloured buds are pointed in shape and unfurl in to double flowers. The variety produces very attractive pink coloured flowers. This variety is moderately tolerant to threats like thrips,powdery mildew and black spot diseases.

VERTICAL GARDENING - Garden like a wall
Add a new dimension to landless Gardening
White Anthuriums,Pink Rose Flower and White Carnation Flower Basket look wonderful
Add a new dimension to landless Gardening
White Anthuriums,Pink Rose Flower and White Carnation Flower Basket look wonderful
Dianthus - Pink for a mother's love, red for admiration and white for
good luck.Reduce anxiety,stress and fatigue by brewing carnation petals
for a mind blowing tea
Commercial method to increase productivity of flowers and vegetables is through adoption of protected growing methods.
It does not makes any sense to share some of good old days,when i used to live in Arunachal Pradesh,but i do remember............whenever i see an Orchid plant
I was successful to touch an Epiphytetic orchid plant, growing naturally in it's God..made ecosystem,only after getting bitten by several Leeches and Ants.Leech live in natural river streams,cross-able...on foot while ant nests were found on base of host tree.Nowadays even in Home Gardening people r growing orchids in pots..with lot of attention and care.Terrestrial orchids like Arachnis and Mokara can be grown normally in pots with soil,farmyard manure,dried leaves and charcoal as pot mixture.
Epiphytetic Orchids like Dendrobium and Vanda may be directly..tied to a thick stem piece of tree like Mango,Bauhinia or Gulmohur.Tree bark,dried fern,brick pieces and leaf mould as potting mixture.Orchid pots can be placed in area where sunlight is available during morning or evening.
Salam Panja (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)-a Terrestrial orchid (Left) and dried PurpleDendrobium a Epiphytetic Orchid flower(Right)
Commercial method to increase productivity of flowers and vegetables is through adoption of protected growing methods.
It does not makes any sense to share some of good old days,when i used to live in Arunachal Pradesh,but i do remember............whenever i see an Orchid plant
I was successful to touch an Epiphytetic orchid plant, growing naturally in it's God..made ecosystem,only after getting bitten by several Leeches and Ants.Leech live in natural river streams,cross-able...on foot while ant nests were found on base of host tree.Nowadays even in Home Gardening people r growing orchids in pots..with lot of attention and care.Terrestrial orchids like Arachnis and Mokara can be grown normally in pots with soil,farmyard manure,dried leaves and charcoal as pot mixture.
Epiphytetic Orchids like Dendrobium and Vanda may be directly..tied to a thick stem piece of tree like Mango,Bauhinia or Gulmohur.Tree bark,dried fern,brick pieces and leaf mould as potting mixture.Orchid pots can be placed in area where sunlight is available during morning or evening.
Salam Panja (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)-a Terrestrial orchid (Left) and dried PurpleDendrobium a Epiphytetic Orchid flower(Right)
color is primarily affected by soil type and composition, not so much
pH. For instance, organic-rich soils (dark brown or almost black, which
can be moderate pH) tend to be darker than organic-poor soils (light
brown, lower pH), which in turn tend to be darker than high mineral
content soil (such as sand, higher pH).
and yellows are common colours in soils and are the result of small
quantities of iron compounds. The red colour is particularly associated
with (Fe2O), whereas the yellow colour may indicate the presence of
this same iron compound combined with water (hydrated iron oxide). Red
colour indicates that the soil is well drained, but locally the colour
may be derived from a red source rock such as a red shale or sandstone.
and bluish colours in soils of humid climates often mean the presence
of reduced iron compounds (such as FeO) in the soil and indicate poor
drainage or bog conditions. Grayish soils in dry climates mean a meagre
amount of humus: a white colour may be a result of the deposit of salts
in the soil. Although some recently formed soils retain the colour of
the parent overburden or bedrock, the colour of fully developed soils
is independent of what lies beneath.
soil reaction could be Acidic,Neutral or Alkaline.It influences the
soil properties like nutrient availbility,biological activities and soil
physical conditions.Soil reaction is expressed in pH.
Saline soils is
recognised when the pH reading of a saturated soil paste is less than
8.5 and there is presence of white crusts of salts on the surface.Saline
soils contain soluble salts in such quantities that they interfere with
the growth of most crop plants.Salinization generally occurs in the
regions of arid and semi arid climate.
Sodic or Alkali soils are
those whose pH is usually more than 8.5.Dispersed and dissolved organic
matter present in the soil solution may be deposited on soil surface by
evaporation ,thus causing darkening and giving the term black alkali.
are found as a result of the combined process of salinization and
alkalinization.As long as the excess salts are present,appearance and
properties of these soils are genenerally similar to saline soils and pH
remains seldom higher than 8.5.If the excess salts are reached
downwards,the properties of these soils are changed considerably and it
becomes similar to alkali soils.
Amelioration of Soils
1.Physical and Hydro-technical amelioration-Deep ploughing,Sub-Soiling,Sand filling ,profile inversion.
2.Biological - Addition of Organic Manures to improve water infiltration and release of CO2 during decomposition.
3.Chemical-Addition of Lime or Gypsum.
i.e.Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium are three major nutrients which
a plant seeks from soil.Many brands of readymix formulations of NPK
fertilizers are available available in markets NPK 12 32 16(e.g.complex fertilizer,IFFCO.50 kg MRP Rs.1060/- ) granular form for soil application may be applied before sowing @ 250 per 10 GAZ or approx.10 sq.m or approx 100 sq.ft garden bed area at the depth of 5 cm below seed
Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer 19-19-19 NPK e.g.Sujala (Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd).Another example is NPK 0:52:34 Mono Potassium Phosphate,a water soluble fertilizer for foliar application contains two essential plant nutrients i.e. Phosphorus (52% P2O5) and Potassium (34% K2O).It promotes profuse flowering and fruit setting in vegetables
NPK 19 19 19(e.g.Sujala,RCF);NPK 20 20 20(e.g.Shriram SHAKTI) and NPK 0 52 34(e.g.Shriram SAATHI) are Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizers and are readily taken up by plants Water Soluble Foliar Fertilizer or other CHEMICAL fertilizer (e.g.Urea,DAP,potash etc.) or ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Phosphorus Solubilizing bacteria or Potassium PSB) is a matter of availability and choice
Some are meant of Soil Applications,while others are for Foliar Spray Applications.
NPK- Nitrogen from UREA,Phosphorus from DAP and KCL(Potassium) from Muriate of Potash MOP are commonly used for fields.
UREA.........can we really live without this straight nitrogenous fertilizer.'N'-
NITROGEN is a part of Chlorophyll and all proteins enzymes - a major
ELEMENT in plant growth.Among organic sources of Nitrogen, Rhizobium inoculants help in establishing efficient symbiotic associations with pulses and leguminous plants.
Rhizobium,Azotobacter,Azospirillum and Phospho bacterial inoculants are generally applied on seed.Azotobacter inoculants are also recommended in some non-leguminous crops like tomato and potato.
Azospirillum inoculants like brand Azospi of IPL company are recommended in non-leguminous plants like oats and millets.ORGANIC (e.g. Azospirillium Bacteria,Rhizobium etc.) or CHEMICAL (e.g.Urea,CAN etc.) source is a matter of choice
Azolla,a free floating water fern,is another biofertilizer which contributes nitrogen to the crop.It's application not only improves soil physico-chemical properties but also fertilizer use efficiency.
Inoculation with Phosphate solubilizing bacterial inoculant (PSB) like
brand Phosphofix of IPL company,not only improves the availability of
phosphorus from insoluble sources of phosphorus in soil but also enhances use efficiency of Phosphatic fertilizers such as Di Ammonium Phosphate.
ORGANIC (e.g.Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) or CHEMICAL(e.g.SSP,DAP) source is a matter of choice
Muriate of Potash MOP is the most widely used potassium based chemical fertilizer.
'K'- Potassium improves Fruit quality improvement and reduction of diseases.ORGANIC
(e.g.Potash Solubilizing Bacteria,Potash Activa of IPL company) or
CHEMICAL(e.g.Muriate of Potash MOP) source is a matter of choice
NPK- Nitrogen from UREA,Phosphorus from DAP and KCL(Potassium) from Muriate of Potash MOP are commonly used for fields.
Azolla,a free floating water fern,is another biofertilizer which contributes nitrogen to the crop.It's application not only improves soil physico-chemical properties but also fertilizer use efficiency.

Azolla has a high rate of biological nitrogen fixation as well as biomass production capability due to it's rapid growth.
Phosphorus is important in formation of starch,sugar and oil and
development of roots,stem and seeds.Phosphatic fertilizers such as Di
Ammonium Phosphate(DAP) is widely used
Phosphatic fertilizers such as Di Ammonium Phosphate DAP are widely used growing Potatoes and Wheat.
ORGANIC (e.g.Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) source r also used.Phosphorus remains fixed in soil and is not available to plants.
ORGANIC (e.g.Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria) or CHEMICAL(e.g.SSP,DAP) source is a matter of choice
KIDS r ready for Vacation HOBBY Gardening Classes na !!!!!!!!
Cockroach,mosquitoes,houseflies,silverfish and stored grain kind of household pests sometimes become a menace
Chemical Fipronil 0.05 % GEL-HIT Anti-Roach gel brand from Godrej is a good example of Anti Cockroach Gel.People working in fields may carry insect repellent Roll On while at work.
A chemical DEET(N,N-Diethyl-m-Toluamide IP 50% w/w) brand name "Jungle Formula" insect repellant Roll On is an example of mosquito repellant.
In your garden u may grow some plants which have natural capacity to repel mosquitoes.

Rajma Kidneybean,Chhole Chana Chickpea,Masur dal Lentil,Dal Fry Arhar Redgram,Dal Makhni Urad Blachgram and Mungdal,Besan Kadhi Pakoda,Plain Rice,Fried Rice,Jeera Rice,Matar Rice,Veg Pulao,Veg Raita,Boondi Raita,Salad Pickle or any sweet dish.......whatever you like to eat you can get it ORGANIC !!!!!!!
Are we aware how much we spend in the name of organic,without ascertaining whether it's from a certified source or not.Imagine our daily cost of living when we begin our day with ORGANIC TOOTHPASTE and go to bed with a ORGANIC PROTEIN supplements.Our ORGANIC OFFICE TEA,organic snacks and ORGANIC COLD DRINK.Organic POP CORN while watching movie.Wish everybody could afford this and we would never ever become ill.No CLINIC EXPENSES, a lot of SAVINGS and a all time HAPPY LIFE.Let's not forget our lifestyle is our choice,we have to decide.
Organic food is grown and processed without any chemical fertilizers,pesticides or fungicides without allowing anything artificial but yet u may have to spend more money than the normal products available in markets.
Think one step ahead in reason of prices of organic food products.
reason for high prices of ORGANIC VEGETABLES, growers claim that
organic farming is labour-intensive and the farmers have to use all the
traditional methods like multi-cropping,making manure from cowdung and
neem,plucking weeds manually
bug,Aphid,Stunted growth,Blight Disease,Powdery
Mildew,Ants,Mites,Termites are never a challenge for those who r just
crazy about Gardening.
For organic gardening practitioners its like ORGANIC LIVING and NATURAL THINKING.
Lado Sarai
Mehrauli Sabzi Mandi
Garden Aids India,011-28754554
1099/13,Hari Singh Nalwa Street,Faiz road,Nr.JHANDEWALAN metro st.KAROL BAGH
GARDENING is a learning FUN for KIDS......let's bring them more closer to nature.
kids generate interest in gardening,they not only r able to understand
basic aspects of plant science but also start understanding ecology.They
are able to understand the importance of good health through healthy
foods.It is normally seen that children do not like to eat fruits and
vegetables.When they get to know that pomegranates, purple carrots, black grapes, peaches, and beets contain flavonoids like anthocyanins which are high in antioxidants.It
helps maintain blood flow to the skin.Potassium rich fruits like
banana,papaya,watermelon and peaches rids our body of the excess water
and salt and also helps normalize BP.This kind of knowledge helps
children to develop interest in healthy food.This instinct is definitely going to make our children environment conscious besides scoring better in school tests.
is surprising, amazing and wonderful in sacred groves
which are community protected forest fragments of
significant cultural,emotional and religious association.For example
Vrindavan has three sacred groves namely Nidhi Van, Seva Kunj and
Kishore Van.Nidhivan is being diminished due to the monkeys and rapid
urbanization.There is a requirement to revive it soon.It is spiritual
belief that everynight Lord Krishna himself appears here to perform
‘raasleela’ in his invisible form.These trees are nothing but the form
of ‘Gopis’.During night they perform maharasleela with Bhagwan Krishna
and Radha Rani.It is said that anybody who lived in Nidhivan there after
sunset,either died or became mad.The plants growing in Nidhivan
in Vrindavan,Uttar Pradesh.Vrindavan town draws its name from Vrinda or
Tulsi plant, the mythical partner of BhagwanVishnu.The plant species in
Nidhivan may not be found in documents but they look like Celastrus
paniculatus,Cephalanthus tetrandra,Mallotus philippensis,Jasminum
arborescens,Capparis zeylanica,Some of these species have seemingly
declined during recent decades and now highly threatened.
ECO CLUB initiatives like
1.Planting trees,
2.Keeping their surroundings clean,
3.Waste management,
4.Minimize the use of plastic bags and
5.Visit to Nature Trail in Wild Life Sanctuaries/Parks/Forest areas to learn about our biodiversity.
The picture is of a GIANT WATER BUG insect.These bugs,Lethocerus sp. are the giants of the bug world - adults may be up to seven centimetres long.While
feeding it positions itself head-down on a submerged plant stem and
hunts by ambush, taking tadpoles, small fish, frogs, snails and aquatic
insects. It catches prey with its grasping forelegs before piercing
the body with its sucking mouthpartsSome
species possess a venomous bite which they use to subdue prey and are
occasionally known to bite humans, resulting in a burning pain that can
last several hours.
KNOWLEDGE ENRICHMENT thru Gardening Classes
Environmental Studies or Environmental Science in school syllabus
includes Plants, Parts of Plants, Stem, Root, Flowers, Fruits &
Seeds, Uses of Flowers.GARDENING CLASSES is any easy way to have an
understanding of these aspects
and black striped flower beetle can be seen on weed plants Black
beetles with bright red coloration on the forewings are commonly seen
individually or in groups at the terminal portion of the plants during
their flowering stage.These blister beetles of Mylabris species are
often crop pests which feed the flowers and reduce the number of pod in
case of pulses like arhar dal(Pigeon Pea or Red Gram) plants
Monark butterfly (Danaus plexippus) LARVAE and PUPAE
Life cycle of Monark butterfly (Danaus plexippus) on Aak (Calotropis procera) - A weed with medicinal value
Some common butterflies can also be seen during various seasons.
Rats-chuha-mouse,Squirrel ,Birds really a threat to your ornamental
balcony pots !!!!! a no of rat gum baits are available nowadays
Cockroach,mosquitoes,houseflies,silverfish and stored grain kind of household pests sometimes become a menace
Chemical Fipronil 0.05 % GEL-HIT Anti-Roach gel brand from Godrej is a good example of Anti Cockroach Gel.People working in fields may carry insect repellent Roll On while at work.
A chemical DEET(N,N-Diethyl-m-Toluamide IP 50% w/w) brand name "Jungle Formula" insect repellant Roll On is an example of mosquito repellant.
In your garden u may grow some plants which have natural capacity to repel mosquitoes.
Soil is
a natural dynamic body.It's a medium of plant growth which supplies
moisture,air and nutrients to support plant life.Soil is composed of
mineral and organic materials and livings forms in which plant grows.
Soil organic matter represents
an accumulation of partially decayed and partially synthesised plant
and animal residues.On decomposition organic matter supplies
nutrients,increases Water Holding Capacity in light textured soil and
increases porosity in heavy textured soil.
specialized organic fertilizers and insecticides made from soil and
plant extracts.Soil organic matter plays a important role in the
maintenance and improvement of soil properties and it is a dynamic
material and changes continuously as a result of microbial activity.It
can therefore be maintained at a reasonably stable level both in
quantity and quality by means of suitable additions of new organic
Rajma Kidneybean,Chhole Chana Chickpea,Masur dal Lentil,Dal Fry Arhar Redgram,Dal Makhni Urad Blachgram and Mungdal,Besan Kadhi Pakoda,Plain Rice,Fried Rice,Jeera Rice,Matar Rice,Veg Pulao,Veg Raita,Boondi Raita,Salad Pickle or any sweet dish.......whatever you like to eat you can get it ORGANIC !!!!!!!
Are we aware how much we spend in the name of organic,without ascertaining whether it's from a certified source or not.Imagine our daily cost of living when we begin our day with ORGANIC TOOTHPASTE and go to bed with a ORGANIC PROTEIN supplements.Our ORGANIC OFFICE TEA,organic snacks and ORGANIC COLD DRINK.Organic POP CORN while watching movie.Wish everybody could afford this and we would never ever become ill.No CLINIC EXPENSES, a lot of SAVINGS and a all time HAPPY LIFE.Let's not forget our lifestyle is our choice,we have to decide.
ORGANIC or CHEMICAL source is a matter of choice...........let's not forget our lifestyle is our choice,we have to decide.
Organic food is grown and processed without any chemical fertilizers,pesticides or fungicides without allowing anything artificial but yet u may have to spend more money than the normal products available in markets.
me share an example of Kanak-gehun-wheat.It is observed that the
production COST of 1kg of Wheat produced by farmers is approximately
between Rs.15-16/kg.When people go to purchase Wheat,they may have to spend between Rs.25-28/kg.
Think one step ahead in reason of prices of organic food products.
For organic gardening practitioners its like ORGANIC LIVING and NATURAL THINKING.
Organic VEGETABLES in Balcony Gardens are gradually replacing ornamental pots plants
Karela helps in detoxifying blood and also maintains healthy blood sugar level.It improves digestive system.
KARELA Bitter Gourd covering all balcony space.Retail price of Bittergourd Karela in Delhi markets during mid May,14 reach upto Rs.40/-kg. Space is never a constraint in GARDENING...........KNOW UR PLANTS for ur HAPPINESS
NUTRITION RICH FOOD PLANTS some of these are used during vrat fasting
Kulthi Kulath Gahat Horse gram or Macrotyloma uniflorum variety VL Gahat 19,tur dal arhar tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan variety VL Arhar1,rajma KIDNEY BEAN Rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris variety VL Rajma 125,Masur Lentil Masar Dal or Lens esculentum variety VL Masoor 129 are popular in mountain belts
Rajgira or chua or ramdana or jhangora or amaranth or Green Amaranthus .ie. Amaranthus frumentaceus variety VL Chua 44,swank or samo seeds or madira or morio or bhagar or Samak or Barnyard Millet or Echinochloa colonum variety VL Madira 207,kuttu or ugal or kotu or buckwheat or Fagopyrum esculentum variety VL Ugal 7,Ragi or mandua or MADDUA or Nachnis or mandal or Finger Millet or Eleusine coracana variety VL Mandua 324 are also gown widely in hill region.
Karela helps in detoxifying blood and also maintains healthy blood sugar level.It improves digestive system.
KARELA Bitter Gourd covering all balcony space.Retail price of Bittergourd Karela in Delhi markets during mid May,14 reach upto Rs.40/-kg. Space is never a constraint in GARDENING...........KNOW UR PLANTS for ur HAPPINESS
NUTRITION RICH FOOD PLANTS some of these are used during vrat fasting
Kulthi Kulath Gahat Horse gram or Macrotyloma uniflorum variety VL Gahat 19,tur dal arhar tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan variety VL Arhar1,rajma KIDNEY BEAN Rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris variety VL Rajma 125,Masur Lentil Masar Dal or Lens esculentum variety VL Masoor 129 are popular in mountain belts
Rajgira or chua or ramdana or jhangora or amaranth or Green Amaranthus .ie. Amaranthus frumentaceus variety VL Chua 44,swank or samo seeds or madira or morio or bhagar or Samak or Barnyard Millet or Echinochloa colonum variety VL Madira 207,kuttu or ugal or kotu or buckwheat or Fagopyrum esculentum variety VL Ugal 7,Ragi or mandua or MADDUA or Nachnis or mandal or Finger Millet or Eleusine coracana variety VL Mandua 324 are also gown widely in hill region.
Flour of Corn Maize as Makka atta and other flours of above crops such as kuttu atta,mandwa atta and samo chawal are consumed.
We often keep searching Garden-accessories..n..GARDEN-PRODUCTS related shops in DELHI/Gurgaon
Those looking for gardening products in DELHI may reach any of the gardening shops mentioned below
Nr.Pul Bangash Metro Station,opp.Roshnara Park
1.Master Seeds
3754/5,Clock Tower,CHOWK BARAFKHANA,Nr.Pul Bangash Metro Station,Delhi
2.Safal Agro Seeds
3682, Main Bazar, Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi
3.Farm Chemicals India
18a, Opp Indira Mkt,main Bzr,old Sabzi Mandi, Kamla Nagar, Delhi
4.Raunak Seeds - 011- 23822356
115,Indra Market, Main Bazar, Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi
5.Janus Agro 011- 23821985
3675,Main Bazar,Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi,opp.KAMLA NEHRU park
4.Raunak Seeds - 011- 23822356
115,Indra Market, Main Bazar, Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi
5.Janus Agro 011- 23821985
3675,Main Bazar,Old Subzi Mandi, Delhi,opp.KAMLA NEHRU park
Bhogal Road,Nr.MOOLCHAND-Jangpura
1.Kitchen Garden Centre
80, Bhogal Road, Bhogal,opp.Bank of Baroda,Nr.ASHRAM, New Delhi
2.Ram Kishore Sons
25, Bazar Lane Bhogal, New Delhi
Lado Sarai
3. Ankur- The Green Dream
F-328, Ladosarai, M.B.Road, New Delhi
ADHCHINI,Nr.Hauz Khas Metro Station
4.New Garden Centre
A-1, Adhicini, Aurbindo Marg, N.Delhi
5.Garden Hut
99, Adhichini, Aurbindo Marg, N.Delhi
Mehrauli Sabzi Mandi
6.Goel Krishi Store
906/8, Main Market, Mehrauli New Delhi
7.Kharbanda Krishi Store
889/8, Main Market, Mehrauli New Delhi
Garden Aids India,011-28754554
1099/13,Hari Singh Nalwa Street,Faiz road,Nr.JHANDEWALAN metro st.KAROL BAGH
1.Gardener's 011- 65702545
3-4/10, Gopinath Bazar, Delhi Cantt., N.Delhi
garden products shop for those who live near IGI airport
Kathuria and Co. - 011- 64626411
garden products shop for those who live near IGI airport
Kathuria and Co. - 011- 64626411
1472/5,New Bhagat Singh Market,opp.Health Centre,Najafgarh,Delhi
1.Bansal Khad Store
Bara Bazaar, Basai Road, Gurgaon
2.Amarjit and Company
Bara Bazaar, Basai Road, Gurgaon
Pest says to crops - "ha ha ha ........ab dekhta hoon tumhe mujhse kaun
bachayega,tumhare RAKSHAK ko to mere fans ban kara denge"
Crops - "Bachao....Bachao.......Help......Help" Farmer 1 - "Chinta mat karo mere paas prakartik astra hain" Crops - " Uske CERTIFICATION karane tak to hum mehnge ho jaayenge.........phir hamse bana
anaj log kharidenge.....waise hee MEHANGAI MAAR JAATI HAI"
Consumer 1- "Haan maine kharida tha, aam bikne waalon se 25 per cent tak jyada paise lagte hain" Consumer 2 -"ARREY to kya hua BIMARI aur DOCTOR se bachne ke liya kya tum ITNA BHEE NAHEE JYADA Budget mein kharcha naee kar sakte" Consumer 1 -"Haan AGAR meri SALARY AUR INCOME bhee 25 per cent rise hotee toh na" Crops again cry- " OMG ye PEOPLE to apas mein hee ladaai kar hain ab bhala mera kya hoga"
OPTION - 1 - e.g.HERBAL EXTRACT for 1 Acre Spray
(1 Kg Garlic + 200 gm Tobacco Leaves + 200 gm Washing Powder) CALCULATE COST and FEASIBILTY. OPTION-2 - e.g.Dichlorvos 76 EC(DDVP)- Buy 250 ml for 1 Acre Which one would u like to go for ............. ORGANIC or CHEMICAL source is a matter of choice VERMICOMPOST
वर्मीकम्पोस्ट Earthworm Manure केंचुआ खाद is nothing but the excreta of
earthworms, which is rich in humus and nutrients.Vermicomposting is the
process of turning organic debris into worm castings which contain high
amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium and
provide approx. 5 times the available nitrogen, 7 times the available
potash and 1 ½ times more calcium than found in good topsoil.Add
earthworms केंचुआ to a mixture of cow dung and kitchen waste.Keep it for
3 MONTHS-Earthworm culturing should be done under shelter to avoid
direct sunlight and heavy downpour.Cover the bed with Gunny cloth
.Sprinkle water over the cloth periodically to keep gunny cloth wet.Turn
the compost after every 20 days
VERMIWASH Preparation
Vermiwash is a collection of excretory products and excess secretions of earthworms, in form of a liquid collected after the passage of water through a column of worm culture.Foliar spray of vermiwash is known to produce vigorous growth and significantly higher yield in plants Keep 2 kg of earthworms+ 1kg organic manure+ in 1 Matka Earthen Pot with 2 litres water.
After evey 2 days collect water from this and use Dilute in 10 liters water or cowurine gomutra for Nutrient spary.
SPRAY by 15 lit Knapsack Sprayer
2 litres COWURINE + 100 ml NEEMOIL+ Fill with Water
SOIL Application by NEEM Khali based Organic Manure
DISEASE Management
SPRAY by 15 lit Knapsack Sprayer
30 gm TURMERIC POWDER+ Fill With Water
SOIL Application
25 kg Organic Manure + 1 kg Trichoderma+ 1 kg Pseudomnas for 1000 GAZ area
ORGANIC Fertilizers for NUTRIENT Management
150 gm RHIZOBIUM in 10 kg Compost for 1000 GAZ area for Nitrogen
400 gm P.S.B.(Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria)in 10 kg Compost for 1000 GAZ area for Phosphrus
500 ml Panchgavya (milk, curd, ghee, dung and urine of cow)
+ 150-200 ml extract of Ritha fruits and Neem leaves
+ 300 ml cow urine (collected earlier) to make 1 lt biopesticide
Apply 1 lt/100 lt of water 30-45 days after transplanting.
To MAKE 150-200 ml extract of Ritha fruits and Neem leaves
[50 ml Neem leaves extract + small quantity of gur + fermented wheat flour + 100 ml extract of Ritha]
. |
Gladiolus belong to Iridaceae family. Though it does not have true bulbs but is counted in the category of bulbous plants. Many lily plants have corms, tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes instead of bulbs.Pusa Manmohak is a mid maturing variety flowering in about 100-105 days
Gladiolus varieties like Pusa Shubham,Pusa Unnati and Pusa Srijana are popular.Gladiolus
variety Pusa Shubham produces cream to yellow colored florets (14-16)
on long spikes.This is an early variety, flowers in 72 days. Compact
spikes with vase life of 10 days

POLYHOUSE of 200 micron thickness UV Stabilized and SHADE NET- GREEN - 50 % UV Stabilized are popular especially in such crops that are responsive the photoperiods and light acclimation (physiological adjustment) to produce more number of stems and flowers per unit area.

Production technologies for tomato and cucumber are now available with farmers,which are developed by keeping in view the biotic and abiotic stresses.

In certain off-season vegetables like cucurbits,after transplanting seedlings,individual rows are covered by making plastic low tunnels with 1-1.5 ft dimensions.Transparent plastic of 20-30 micron thickness is used in this kind of plastic low tunnel cultivation technology.
Thin transparent film for soil solarization,black film for weed control and perforated mulch for rainy season are used.Plastic film (25 micron) may be seen in vegetable cultivation.
15 micron LLDPE (black) provide better moisture conservation and reduced weed growth,1 kg film can cover 26 sq. m.
Whole grains carry a lot of antioxidants. It also stabilizes blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes.Nowadays,multigrain flour ATTAs are also becoming popular among people and one may have to pay a price of Rs.500/- for 10 kg of Multigrain Atta consisting of barley JAU,amaranthus CHOLAI,maize MAKKA,sorghum JOWAR,chickpea CHANA,water chestnut SINGHARA,soybean and bajra.
Wheat is a good food for acne prevention. It’s an excellent source of B vitamins, which act as stress busters, as stress triggers acne for some people.ORGANIC FOOD including ORGANIC RICE and ORGANIC ATTA are gaining market share.
CHILLI - Mirch
Pusa Jwala, Pusa Sadabahar and Arka Megahana are
good varieties of normal hot chilly.

Assam's Bhut Jolokia(KING chilly/Naga Bhut/GHOST CHILLI)-World's HOTTTEST Chiili -the pride of the North East.
Duniya kee sabse teekhi Mirch -ties with Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chilli.
The measurement of spicy heat of Bhut Jolokia(KING chilly/Naga Bhut/GHOST CHILLI) goes a level beyond imagination, 14,63,700 SHU on the chilli-heat meter.A chilli even when it is 2,50,000 SHU is known as hot by most Indian standards.Kashmiri Degi mirch measures only upto 2000 SHU.
Chilly ka SHU suna hai na !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scoville Heat Units(SHU) to measure SPICY HEAT of Chilli and it denotes the amount of capsicin present.Wilber Lincoln Scoville, an American pharmacist created Scoville Organoleptic Test that measured how many drops of sugar water were required to meet the heat of a Chilli. Nowadays,liquid Chromatography is used to conduct Scoville scale test
Coconut water, fresh fruit juice and fresh lime water are good for our skin.Coconut water is good for those with "PITT dosh" related problems.According to Ayurveda,ether(space in our body or body organ where everything is believed to happen),air,fire,water and earth are five elements in our body.Sometimes these elements create ailmentswhich are known as "dosh".Coconut water balances excess pitta in the lever.
IMAGINE how many days in a year we DO NOT USE COCONUT...............
COCONUT nariyal Plant grown in POT in Balcony Gardening in DELHI for ORNAMENTAL purpose
Gladiolus belong to Iridaceae family. Though it does not have true bulbs but is counted in the category of bulbous plants. Many lily plants have corms, tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes instead of bulbs.Pusa Manmohak is a mid maturing variety flowering in about 100-105 days
Gladiolus are truly beautiful flowers. Mohini variety is an early mid season flowering variety.Pusa Kiran variety of Gladiolus has white colored florets (16-19) on long sturdy spikes, early variety, flowers in 75 days.
POLYHOUSE of 200 micron thickness UV Stabilized and SHADE NET- GREEN - 50 % UV Stabilized are popular especially in such crops that are responsive the photoperiods and light acclimation (physiological adjustment) to produce more number of stems and flowers per unit area.

Production technologies for tomato and cucumber are now available with farmers,which are developed by keeping in view the biotic and abiotic stresses.

and Tomatoes are cultivated majorly under two types of protected
structures namely,naturally ventilated greenhouse and insect-proof net
Plastic protrays are used for growing seedlings in Plug Tray nursery raising technologyIn certain off-season vegetables like cucurbits,after transplanting seedlings,individual rows are covered by making plastic low tunnels with 1-1.5 ft dimensions.Transparent plastic of 20-30 micron thickness is used in this kind of plastic low tunnel cultivation technology.
Thin transparent film for soil solarization,black film for weed control and perforated mulch for rainy season are used.Plastic film (25 micron) may be seen in vegetable cultivation.
15 micron LLDPE (black) provide better moisture conservation and reduced weed growth,1 kg film can cover 26 sq. m.
Whole grains carry a lot of antioxidants. It also stabilizes blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes.Nowadays,multigrain flour ATTAs are also becoming popular among people and one may have to pay a price of Rs.500/- for 10 kg of Multigrain Atta consisting of barley JAU,amaranthus CHOLAI,maize MAKKA,sorghum JOWAR,chickpea CHANA,water chestnut SINGHARA,soybean and bajra.
Wheat is a good food for acne prevention. It’s an excellent source of B vitamins, which act as stress busters, as stress triggers acne for some people.ORGANIC FOOD including ORGANIC RICE and ORGANIC ATTA are gaining market share.
Pusa Jwala, Pusa Sadabahar and Arka Megahana are
good varieties of normal hot chilly.
Assam's Bhut Jolokia(KING chilly/Naga Bhut/GHOST CHILLI)-World's HOTTTEST Chiili -the pride of the North East.
Duniya kee sabse teekhi Mirch -ties with Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chilli.
The measurement of spicy heat of Bhut Jolokia(KING chilly/Naga Bhut/GHOST CHILLI) goes a level beyond imagination, 14,63,700 SHU on the chilli-heat meter.A chilli even when it is 2,50,000 SHU is known as hot by most Indian standards.Kashmiri Degi mirch measures only upto 2000 SHU.
Chilly ka SHU suna hai na !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scoville Heat Units(SHU) to measure SPICY HEAT of Chilli and it denotes the amount of capsicin present.Wilber Lincoln Scoville, an American pharmacist created Scoville Organoleptic Test that measured how many drops of sugar water were required to meet the heat of a Chilli. Nowadays,liquid Chromatography is used to conduct Scoville scale test
piyaz -KANDA - dungri red, yellow and white which one do u like
more.NHRDF Red for Rabi-winter sowing and AGRIFOUND red for
Kharif-summer sowing.प्याज
pyaz KANDA ONION piyaz dungri variety agrifound dark red एग्रीफाउण्ड
डार्क रैड प्याज,Pusa Riddhi and Pusa WHITE round for Kharif summer
sowing गर्मियों वाली प्याज फसल

Diseases like purple blotch and insects like thrips should be taken care of.

Spray the crop with fungicide(organic or chemical) as soon as first symptom of purple blotch appears in the crop.Bunching onions or green onions, produce long, edible leaf stalks instead of bulbs.Pusa Soumya is a multicut variety.
Onion and garlic are two important ingredient in gravy-curry of majority of Indian dishes cooked.Garlic may prove useful to those suffering from high blood pressure as it dilates our blood vessels,as a result blood pressure will be reduced.Garlic is one of the richest sources of antioxidants that help prevent and cure acne problems. It may show good effect when eaten raw or added to salad.Retail price of Garlic Lahsun -Lassan in Delhi markets during mid May'14 reach upto Rs.150/-kg

Adrakh-GINGER-fresh normal green rhizome Retail price of ADRAKH with local SABZI WALA in Delhi @ Rs.200/-kg during last week of May'14

How about consuming your own home grown organic ginger with a spoon of honey for prevention of common cold n cough !!!!!!!! Ginger also helps the liver cleanse itself.

Diseases like purple blotch and insects like thrips should be taken care of.

Spray the crop with fungicide(organic or chemical) as soon as first symptom of purple blotch appears in the crop.Bunching onions or green onions, produce long, edible leaf stalks instead of bulbs.Pusa Soumya is a multicut variety.
Onion and garlic are two important ingredient in gravy-curry of majority of Indian dishes cooked.Garlic may prove useful to those suffering from high blood pressure as it dilates our blood vessels,as a result blood pressure will be reduced.Garlic is one of the richest sources of antioxidants that help prevent and cure acne problems. It may show good effect when eaten raw or added to salad.Retail price of Garlic Lahsun -Lassan in Delhi markets during mid May'14 reach upto Rs.150/-kg

Adrakh-GINGER-fresh normal green rhizome Retail price of ADRAKH with local SABZI WALA in Delhi @ Rs.200/
How about consuming your own home grown organic ginger with a spoon of honey for prevention of common cold n cough !!!!!!!! Ginger also helps the liver cleanse itself.
PIAZ-Onion,LAHSUN-Garlic and ADRAKH -Ginger are used extensively for gravy.These are added with various oils for frying vegetables.Try to use polyunsaturated oil (corn or sunflower oil) or monounsaturated oil (olive or rapeseed).Sunflower
oil and Olive oil have zero cholesterol but they do contain
fat.Cholesterol is a kind of fat which is not present in plant.So,plant
based oils are cholesterol free.
How often do you eat sweets and enjoy soft cold drinks
How often do you eat sweets and enjoy soft cold drinks
contain fat from butter and cocoa.Some brand mentioning their products
as zero sugar may contain saccharine or aspartame which are harmful to
our health.
cold drinks are loaded with salt,aspartame and preservatives which may
cause bloating.Fruit juice also contain too much of natural sugar which
may damage our body.
food items and savouries may contain very high quantity of sodium,which
is again bad for our health.Among drinks and juices coconut is always
the choice of wise people.
Coconut water, fresh fruit juice and fresh lime water are good for our skin.Coconut water is good for those with "PITT dosh" related problems.According to Ayurveda,ether(space in our body or body organ where everything is believed to happen),air,fire,water and earth are five elements in our body.Sometimes these elements create ailmentswhich are known as "dosh".Coconut water balances excess pitta in the lever.
COCONUT WATER and SNOW BALL TENDER NUT after morning walk,use
of COCOPEAT in Gardening,HAIR OIL after bath,KERNEL in PRASAD after
Puja,virgin COCONUT oil,Milk,Vinegar,Jaggery,Powder,Cream,Copra,CHIPS ,
COCOCONUT CANDY, buiscuits and COIR MATRESS for bed..............aur
KYA-KYA kaha jayen.......aap sab jaante hain.U know everything.
IMAGINE how many days in a year we DO NOT USE COCONUT...............
Inflorescence....flower..whorl....COCONUT |
prices when remain stable for a longer period gives relief na !!!!!
Potato price with some retailers in Delhi is still the same as they were
6 months ago
POTATO - Kufri Chipsona,Kufri Bahar,Kufri Pukhraj etc are popular.TAKE care in DISEASE management.Mancozeb 75 % WP-which brand r u using this year -Dithane M-45(Dow Agro);Indofil M-45; Crystal M-45; Sparsh(Biostadt); Macoban(MAgan); Hindustan M 45(HPM); Sinozeb(Sinochem).Mancozeb Flowable 35% SC (Liquid) - Flowin- HT(Indofil) ya HYDROMAN(Sulphur Mills) kaun sa use karne ka plan hai for preventive spray.

Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP – which brand r u using this year to have healthy potatoes-Companion(Indofil); SAAF(UPL);Sixer(Dhanuka); Stuff(HPM); Sure(Crystal); Bendaco(Biostadt);Care(Insecticide India); Polir(Sinochem) .
Fruits and Vegetables prices shows great variations during various seasons of a year.

Haldi enjoys the priviledge of being on top in the list of dadi ma ke gharelu health tips.
NUTRITION based Plants
Besides, sweet potato which is a dicot plant from the Convolvulaceae family,yams are cultivated for the consumption of their starchytubers.True yams are starchier and drier and are monocots from the Dioscoreaceae family

Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava (Manihot esculenta) root and is used in culinary applications as a thickener and binding agent..It' edible plant of the spurge family

Protein and Carbohydrates are seen first to compare the nutritional value of any food product.Carbohydrates build our body mass and protein are required for making dole -shole and other muscles.Besides this regular or intensive routine exercise is required for building our body and maintain the right shape.

KUTTU KA AATA, Singhara ka Aata, RAGI,Oats, RAJGIRA, Bajra, JOWAR, Samak, KEENWA BATHUA and BARLEY ------Dietician and NUTRITIONISTS know their worth.
Sometimes, we enjoy alcoholic beverages while enjoying a party.Beer,
wine, whiskey, vodka, rum, etc. are DEPRESSANTS,Good HEALTH and FITNESS
is a STIMULATIVE process therefore both can not work together.
BARLEY and GRAPES contribute most as raw material for production of alcoholic drinks.
BARLEY known as JAU is used as nutritive plant and has spiritual significance too.

TEQUILA drink pasand karte hain aap !!!!!!!!
Jatropha biodiesel plant leaves are also used for dressing wounds,oil may be used as an organic insecticide.

Karanj (Pongamia pinnata) a bio-diesel plant,it's oil may also be used as medicine in skin disea
POTATO - Kufri Chipsona,Kufri Bahar,Kufri Pukhraj etc are popular.TAKE care in DISEASE management.Mancozeb 75 % WP-which brand r u using this year -Dithane M-45(Dow Agro);Indofil M-45; Crystal M-45; Sparsh(Biostadt); Macoban(MAgan); Hindustan M 45(HPM); Sinozeb(Sinochem).Mancozeb Flowable 35% SC (Liquid) - Flowin- HT(Indofil) ya HYDROMAN(Sulphur Mills) kaun sa use karne ka plan hai for preventive spray.

Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP – which brand r u using this year to have healthy potatoes-Companion(Indofil
Fruits and Vegetables prices shows great variations during various seasons of a year.
There is a significant decrease in prices of vegetables during it's peak production season.Otherwise,retail prices of vegetable like bottle gourd(lauki ghia) cost double during off sesaon.
We can normally observe beginning of decrease in vegetable prices in retail markets of delhi after September month.
Whenever we think of Indian food,one thing which appears in our minds is Haldi -Turmeric.
Haldi- turmeric powder,Chilli powder and masalas make our food complete in taste and easily digestible too.
Powdered roots after drying and curing are used in kitchen.
helps detoxify and heal the liver and intestine.Fresh turmeric rhizomes
are also eaten along with salads.This chewing brings relief to sore
throat too.
Haldi enjoys the priviledge of being on top in the list of dadi ma ke gharelu health tips.
It is not always necessary that we purchase fresh green turmeric from market.It can be grown in pots too.
NUTRITION based Plants
whether fresh or dry have remained and will continue to act a natural
source of nutrition supplement.Nowadays,various indigenous and
exotic varieties of fruits are available.Some examples of fruits whose
exotic varieties are commonly seen in markets are USA Pears,Washington
Apples and California walnuts.
Walnuts AKHROT are good sources of minerals like zinc and selenium that
promote the general health of the skin including acne and pimples.They
also contain Alpha-linolenic Acid(ALA) which is a kind of Omega-3 fatty
acid,similar to the omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish
oils.Among plant sources one can also choose flax seed oil or canola oil
for ALA.Human body cannot cannot assemble omega-3 fats,an essential
fatty acid,from other fats present in our diet.Essential Fatty Acids
(EFAs) play an important role in muscle building and fat loss.

Sweet Potato - Ipomoea batatas is believed to have indirect role in
prevention of heart attacks as it contains vitamin B6.
Arrowroot -Maranta arundinacea powder is used to get relief in case of gastrointestinal ailments.It
is also an excellent substitute for cornstarch and flour as a
thickening agent in sauces, gravies, pie fillings, and puddings.Those
patients who require a no protein diet can also eat foods prepared from arrowroot.
Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava (Manihot esculenta) root and is used in culinary applications as a thickener and binding agent..It' edible plant of the spurge family
Protein and Carbohydrates are seen first to compare the nutritional value of any food product.Carbohydrates build our body mass and protein are required for making dole -shole and other muscles.Besides this regular or intensive routine exercise is required for building our body and maintain the right shape.
KUTTU KA AATA, Singhara ka Aata, RAGI,Oats, RAJGIRA, Bajra, JOWAR, Samak, KEENWA BATHUA and BARLEY ------Dietician and NUTRITIONISTS know their worth.
Oats - JAIEE | ----------- | Source of Fibre |
Ragi -MADDUA -Nachnis | Eleusine coracana | Rich in Calcium |
Barley-JAO | Horleum vulgare | Helps in tackling Diabetes- Low Glycemic Index |
Buckwheat - KUTTU Aata | Fagopyrum esculentum | Protein rich -Contains 8 Amino Acids |
Quinoa - Keenwah BATHU | Chenopodium quinoa | Protein rich -Contains all kinds of Amino Acids |
Rajgira/Chulai/Ramdana | Amaranthus cruentus | Contains EAA Lysine and also Reduces Cholesterol |
Bajra-Pearl Millet | ----------- | Rich in Vitamins |
Jowar-Sorghum | ----------- | Rich in Vitamin B Complex |
SWANK/Bhagar/SAMAK rice | Echinochloa colonum | Rich in Vitamins |
Singhara Aata - Water Chestnut | Trapa natans var bispinosa | Rich in Cabohydrate |
BARLEY and GRAPES contribute most as raw material for production of alcoholic drinks.
BARLEY known as JAU is used as nutritive plant and has spiritual significance too.

village in SPITI valley on KAZA route.Barley varieties like BHS 380
(Pusa Losar) and BHS 352 (Himadri) grown in the Himalayan regions often
yield between 2-2.5 Qtl/Bigha.
BARLEY is used for malting and the Malt extract is commonly used in the brewing of beer.
whereas is first choice of wine industry.Australian wines like Jacob's
Creek,Bass Phillip,Bindi and some other brands from Australian regions
such as Mornington Peninsula(Ocean Eight),the Barossa Valley,near
Adelaide hills(Penfolds-Grange) or the Yarra valley (De Bortoli) are lesser known than the great wine regions of France like Bordeaux,Champagne,Burgunday and the Rhone valley.Sparkling wine Domaine Chandon from Australia is also popular.
is well known to most of fruit orchard owners in India as a fungicide
Bordeaux Mixture and it's paste is hugely popular over here.During mid 1880s,Pierre-Marie-Alexis Millardet, a French botanist and then the Professor of Botany at Bordeaux University, one day,while walking the vineyards of Ducru-Beaucaillou in the Bordeaux region he noticed a curious thing that
vines closest to the roads did not show downy mildew disease symptoms,
while all other vines were affected. After inquiries, he found out
those vines had been sprayed with a mixture of CuSO4 and lime to deter passersby from eating the grapes, since this treatment was both visible and bitter-tasting.This disease threatened to wipe out wine making in France in the 1860s – and with it would have set back oenology(the science and study of all aspects of wine and winemaking except vine-growing and grape-harvesting) for decades, maybe even centuries as the fungus spread.The
mixture, now known as the “Bordeaux mixture” is well known as the first
effective fungicide and this formula is widely used today also, all
over the world.So,if you are having a glass of wine today, do raise the glass to Pierre-Marie-Alexis Millardet and his co-workers who made it possible.
back to wines,New Zealand also has some good wines like Ata
Rangi,Felton Road wines,Saint Clair and Villa Maria.When we think of
United States,Napa Valley in California is known for good wines.Amarone, Barolo, Bunello di Montalcino, and Passito di Pantelleria are few names of Italian wines.Tuscany is the most famous of all Italian wine regions
Grapes can be eaten directly as table purpose,used for making wines and are dried to make raisins.Few
examples in the category of table purpose are Red Globe,Thompson
Seedless,California varieties,Manjari Naveen, while Pusa Navrang and
Flame seedless varieties are good for Juice making process.
for Champagne.....Chardonnay,Pinot Nair,Chenin blanc,Shiraz/Syrah are
chosen ones.Mixing of Shiraz and Pinot Noir grapes make a delightful
wine.Champagne is the region of France to which entire French Sparkling
wine industry may owe all credits for making that industry
global.Sparkling wine is prepared by two methods.
1.VAT process- Wine is prepared and fermented in large drums.
2.Traditional Method- this method is termed by French wine industry as Methode Champenoise.In this method sparkling wine is prepared by fermenting in individual bottles.
Traditional method is expensive than VAT process and possibly one of the reasons to determine price of Champagne wine.
(white/blanc/rose),Dom Perignon,Marquise de Pompadour,Grand crus,Chivas
Regal,Scotch Royal Salute,Passport,Black Label,Glenlivet,Black
Dog,Johny walker,Teacher or Blenders pride,Solan No 1,Black Knight,Red
knight,Blended Whisky,Japanese Malt Whisky,Vodka,Agave Tequila,White
Rum,Havana club Rum,Hendricks Gin..............all for u to
enjoy.Also,KEEP IN MIND that ADDICTION is always harmful.Champagne,Scotch whisky or Beer should be consumed at your own health risk..
and After care of Grapes is an brain storming and painstaking
achievement of humble farmers.When ever we see grapes,the first think
which immediately strikes mind is wine.
Blanc(white) and Red(with Rose smell) versions of wine are
popular.Grape varieties like Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc are used
make sweet white(Blanc ) wine,while on the other hand Red wine having
Rose smell are made from Cabernet Sauvignon,Shiraz(Syrah) and Merlot varieties of grapes.
TEQUILA drink pasand karte hain aap !!!!!!!!
Agave tequilana, commonly called blue agave or tequila agave.This is used in the production of the distilled spirit Tequila.It is a distilled beverage made from an agave cultivar,found in Indian Mountains also, the blue agave plant primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila,65 km northwest of Guadalajara, and in the highlands of the western Mexican state.
world is full of food and one life may just not be enough to have
tasted all flavors of Mediterranean,European(French,Italian),African,Mexican and Asian cuisine.
and Greece.........What comes into your mind whenever u hear name of these countries !!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course,delicious food na !!!!!!!!!!!
Mediterranean cuisine and some Middle eastern cuisine(from Iraq and Kuwait) includes hummus,baba ganoush,falafel and many other dishes consisting of grilled fish, steak, lamb, chicken and vegetables are rich in delightful robust flavors.
Mediterranean cuisine and some Middle eastern cuisine(from Iraq and Kuwait) includes hummus,baba ganoush,falafel and many other dishes consisting of grilled fish, steak, lamb, chicken and vegetables are rich in delightful robust flavors.
European cuisine is incomplete without integration of French and Italian food.Croque-monsieur
is a french staple fast food,delicious Croque-Madame, Magret de
Canard,tartines and Chocolate mousse are few selections in French
and risotto are universal names among Italian cuisine.Besides these on
cannot resist from Pasta,Poached peaches and Poached Pears.
region is famous for Ethiopian cuisine which consists of
Injera(Ethiopia's classic spongy bread),doro wot chicken,beg wot mutton
or lamb,minced meat(finely chopped meat mixed with spiced butter) and
spicy split lentil dishes.
cuisine is incomplete without beans, squash,capsicum chili peppers and
maize.Tortillas, enchiladas, tamales, tacos etc are tastes to remember.
cuisine from South East region of Asia is contributed by Thailand,
Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia ,Malaysia and Singapore.China, Korea
and Japan add healthy dishes to North East Asian cuisine.The South West
Asia is well known for its cuisine from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
cuisine is well known for kimchi (vegetables like cabbage, turnip,
cucumbers and spring onions fermented in clay pots),soybean paste based
soups,bingsu(finely broken ice chips topped with sweetened red bean
porridge) and many other dishes consisting of beans.
the food wherever you go but take care while consuming protein rich
food.Protein is no doubt the body building component of our diet but
excess protein leaches calcium out of the body.This situation may lead
to osteoporosis and high BP.Leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in
calcium so make them a part of your diet.
BIODIESEL plant with MEDICINAL propertiesJatropha biodiesel plant leaves are also used for dressing wounds,oil may be used as an organic insecticide.

Karanj (Pongamia pinnata) a bio-diesel plant,it's oil may also be used as medicine in skin diseases even like Psoriasis
The oil from Jatropha curcas is mainly converted into biodiesel.
Kullu - Manali in HIMACHAL ghoom aaye aap.MUMMY- a preserved dead body.The only MUMMY in India
am fortunate to have visited this village while on a search for
medicinal plants of the Himalayas in the trans-himalayan regions of
India.This is in the one of the villages of Spiti (Himachal Pradesh).One
has to reach village named Geu,approximately 10 km from Giu naala and
connected with link road between Sumdo and Tabo, located near the
Indo-Tibet border to see the naturally preserved unique Mummy, which is
more than 500 years old and is an
attraction for the visitors. The village Geu is situated at a height of
approx 10,000 feet above the sea level.
mummy in the village is placed in a room constructed on a hilltop. It
is believed that this mummy is of a Lama-Buddhist monk, who died at the
age of around 45 years and was found in a sitting posture in the mudra
of Samadhi.
S.No | local name | genus | part used | treats |
1 | atis | aconitum | dried roots | cold |
2 | chura | angelica | dried roots | heart |
3 | ratanjot | arnebia | dried roots | blood |
4 | phunkar burtse | artimesia | dried fruits | deworming |
5 | kala jeera | carum | seed powder | digestion |
6 | salampanja | dactylorhiza | dried roots | kidney |
7 | somlata | ephedra | dried leaves | liver |
8 | jangli datura | hyoscyamus | seed powder | toothache |
9 | manu | inula | dried roots | body pain |
10 | karoo | picrorhiza | dried roots | fever |
11 | bankakri | podophyllum | dried fruits | uterus |
12 | artso | rheum | dried roots | constipation |
13 | kuth | saussurea | dried roots | cough |
Most of these are practised in "SWARIGPA"- Tibetan System of Medicine
Meetha/Banwa (Aconitum balfourri); Ratanjot (Arnebia euchroma); Fankamal (Saussurea gossypiphora ); Atis (Aconitum heterophyllum) on left

Atis (Aconitum heterophyllum);Dolu (Rheum australe) and Salam Panja (Dactylorhiza hatagirea) on right.
Dhoop (Juniperus indica); Lhook-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis bicornuta); Shoma (Verbascum thapsus) n Somlata (Ephedra gerardiana)
Shoh-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis verticillata);Dolu (Rheum australe); Choru(Angelica glauca);Lhook-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis bicornuta)
Gentiana, Potentilla, Fragaria sp. above in pic;Artemesia silver leaves) and Hyssopus sp. are common Medicinal Plants found in the Himalayas.
Meetha/Banwa (Aconitum balfourri); Ratanjot (Arnebia euchroma); Fankamal (Saussurea gossypiphora ); Atis (Aconitum heterophyllum) on left

Atis (Aconitum heterophyllum);Dolu (Rheum australe) and Salam Panja (Dactylorhiza hatagirea) on right.
Dhoop (Juniperus indica); Lhook-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis bicornuta); Shoma (Verbascum thapsus) n Somlata (Ephedra gerardiana)
Shoh-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis verticillata);Dolu (Rheum australe); Choru(Angelica glauca);Lhook-rhoo Karpoh (Pedicularis bicornuta)
Gentiana, Potentilla, Fragaria sp. above in pic;Artemesia silver leaves) and Hyssopus sp. are common Medicinal Plants found in the Himalayas.
SPITI (Himachal ) | ||||
Delhi ( 239 m) | ||||
Manali (2050 m) | ||||
Rohtang | ||||
Kunzum la (14,800 ft/4,500 m). | ||||
Lossar | ||||
Hansa | ||||
Kyato | ||||
Hal | ||||
Murling | ||||
Rangrik | ||||
Kaza | Kaza (3686m) | Kaza | ||
Tabo Monastery | Kee | |||
Geu(Mummy) | Kibber | |||
Langza | ||||
Hikkim(15,500 ft) | ||||
Komik | ||||
Rangrik | Rangrik | |||
Lalung | ||||
Dhankar | ||||
Attargu | ||||
Kungri Monastery | ||||
Gyuling | ||||
Khar | ||||
Sagnam(PIN Valley) | ||||
Me in HIKKIM- The village with highest Post Office in the worldsituated
in SPITI valley of Himachal Pradesh.Geographically Lahaul and Spiti is
the largest district but the population density of this place is very
low.The administrative headquarters of district consisting two valleys
Lahaul and Spiti is located in KEYLONG in LAHAUL Valley

UTTARAKHAND earlier known as Uttaranchal
Gangotri is approachable by bus from Delhi.
that one has to be on foot.Support is available - Horses and
Porter.First base camp is Bhojwasa-14 kms from Gangotri.Tent
accomodation and Dormitories are available.Thenext day one can move
towards gomukh.On reaching gomukh glacier the base may be TAPOVAN.Approx
200 m height on the opposite side of Gomukh.Utmost care should be taken
while crossing the Gomukh glacier when going to Tapovan,as there is a
danger of slide and breaking of glacier.
See the Gomukh Glacier splitting into two pieces while we were crossing for the other side of it to reach
Tapovan.Bhagirath,Split Gomukh,Gomukh and Tapovan make a magnificient view.
Tapovan.Bhagirath,Split Gomukh,Gomukh and Tapovan make a magnificient view.
On the left of Gomukh tourists can see Bhagirath while on the right is Tapovan.
There are two huts in tapovan which lodging and fooding is availble on payment.
One hut is of Israeli Baba- A lady from Israel turned Hindu saint and settled there.
The other hut is of Bengali Baba,now his wife was managing.
Late Baba ,can be seen in photographs removing snow cover of his hut ,
with the photograph even during chilled winter of Himalayas ,
during the season when a normal tourist is seen in tons of woolen clothes,
while the bengali baba was in only Dhoti-the tranditonal dress of saints.
The power was believed to be because of the Yoga he practised
ACONITUM - This is the rarest plant myself was fortunate enough to locate few.
Aconitum heterophyllum
DACTYLORHIZA- A very potent medicine in practice.
Dactylorhiza Ephedra sp.
EPHEDRA-A plant very much in use for blood related ailments.
UNIVERSALLY the name Ephedra is well known among WWE fans as a good FAT BURNER.
UNIVERSALLY the name Ephedra is well known among WWE fans as a good FAT BURNER.

Piccrorhizha kurroa
PICRORHIZA-Kurro easily accesible throuh traders,difficullt to identify in its natural habitat.
Photo of THE Nursery and Same Medicinal Plant sown and FENCED by me
and my colleagues when we working as an employee of a development
organization during 2003-04
Nursery IN 2003 next day after fencing and sowing.Same Nursery IN 2004
soon after melting of snow.Same plants sown by us of Medicinal Value
were seen till 2010.
One thing which attracted me most in Spiti is the only MUMMY in India.A place of worship for local people and tourists.This body is assumed to be more than 200 years old of an Lama- a Buddhist monk who was found in the mudra of Samadhi.
This is in the
remotest village of Spiti and is named GEU.On this route from KAZA to
GEU we can visit TABO which one of the very famous and old monastries.
can see black utensils in the pic of a home kitchen in Spiti.The
intersting aspect is that these black utensils are made up of PATHTHAR
,meaning "ROCK".These utensils keep the food hot more longer than
utensils of other material.This ia a feature very apprecited in snowfall
belts like this.
In the Cold Deserts of Himalayas one can come know about Snow Leopards and Ibex.
In Keylong,the headquarter of Lahaul and Spiti district one Hotel is also named Ibex.
Keylong also one can see IBEX playing on the hills.The Keylong looks
pretty green with full of lush green vegetation which turns milky white
during winter.This change of colour is the real beauty of Lahaul and
Spiti.The people are of very good and supportive nature.Children are shy
The table where these three kids posed for
me reminds of the day when Pooja Bhatt a famous female actor of
Bollywood had her lunch here, some noodles and a chocolate bar on her
way to shoot a movie called PAAP.All vehicles having a sticker of Fish
Eye Network carrying.Besides Pooja Bhatt, i could not recognise any
body.Udita Goswami who was playing lead role in the movie,was
accompanying her,whose name i could know after the move was released.
Kaza there was a restaurant owned by a very humble Tibetan Lady where
3-4 members of PAAP movie team used to have some pastime often chatting
with us. One day while sitting in the same restaurant talking to to
those daily visitors of Fish Eye Network team One actor fatman from
Australia,second who played the role of Lama Norbu in the movie.I was
staring at third man for few second talking to the australian,exerting
pressure on my mind where had i seen the third man.
Then after asking a colleague i cam to know that the man is Munir Makhija,very popular VJ on Channel MTV anchor as Udham Singh.
It was published later in some newspaper that he and Pooja got married to each other a few months after release of Paap movie.
There were several oppotunities to see these actors often shopping local artefacts and Tibetan ornaments.
those days mobile phones did not worked in Kaza and there was only one
STD PCO which was the only option for any tourist therefore
celebrities were often approachable.
temple during snowfall.This temple is worshipped by Hindus and Budhists
both.Situated in Lahaul district of Himachal Pradesh
Somesh Jha also offers Consultancy to Farmers
Somesh Jha also offers Consultancy to Farmers
1.WHEAT GRASS juice - HEALTH benefits not INSURANCE in this form offered by many shops @ Rs.30/Day in Delhi
2. COTTON/Kapas/NARMA kee beemarion par bhee dhyan dein........diseases may reduce yield drastically
3. Jouna - DHAAN- Rice - PADDY ke khet KADDU - Puddling karne ke liya PANI to hai na
4.Mango-AAM- Kairy-CHAUSA,ALPHONSO(haafus),RITOL,ZARDALU,FAZRI,SAFEDA(banganapalli)............kuch bhee khaa legne aap par KEASR ka to apna maza hai
MANGO Orchard Management
आम खाने से सेहत ठीक रहती है,शास्त्रों में आम और उसके पौधे को शुभ माना गया है...aam hee aam...mangoes....and......mangoes..alphanso, kesar, dashehri दशहरी आम,नीलम आम, फ़ाज़ली आम, रटौल आम, हुस्न आरा आम langra, chusa, husan ara amrapali, mallika, ramkela are some examples of popular mango varieties. Examples of देसी आम local mango varieties desi mango varieties are baingani, furfur,raja, vrindavani, nayab, makkhan, tumki, tapka, sundari, khali-bali mango, krishan bhog aam, surkha, chand gola, tuhru, bambaiya, zardalu, bhangla, shimla mirch aam, surajmukhi aam, vrindavani, gaurav, arun, makkan, desi bahar, sundari, katreena, sukul, desi gola achar aam, tukmi,dinga aam दींगा आम Lucknow Dinga mango......... tukami heera, desi mitthu, sharifa, haathijhul, kishen bhog, baramasi, shimla mirch, chitla, anjbeen, aamil lamba, tapka, surkha, chand gola, tuhru, bambaiya, zardalu, tukami heera, deshi mitthu, sharifa, haathijhul,nargis aam, saheboo aam, surkh aam and kashi aam, kishen bhog ajayab, yakuti, rasgulla, desi bahar, bheem-gola, gulab-jamun, angoordana, amrood, ber, sitaphal and zard ameen tapka, toffee aam, vishwanath chaterjee, elaichi dinga, dadelio, barasmasi creeper, kesar, peela jarda, maliaha, malviya bhog, kishan bhog, surkh, vedik aam, badshah pasand, begum pasand and nawab pasand aam. Large sized mangoes in varieties such as khali-bali, raja, sehri, maliaha, gulam and aflatoon leave you amazed. Red colored varieties of mango such as Sensation mango सेन्सेशन आम, Tommy Atkins tommy atkins mango टॉमी एटकिंस आम, Eldon, Ziulete, Haden and Julie पूसा अरुणिमा, पूसा श्रेष्ठ, पूसा सूर्या और पूसा लालिमा आम ............... purple color local mango cultivars. लाल आम की किस्म ............. पीले आम की किस्म और हरे आम की किस्म.......mangoes are not always yellow........they are many color of mango fruits. Lal Sundari Suvarna rekha has maroon blush on skin while Vanraj fruits have a red blush
Alphonso Hapus Ratnagiri Konkan hapoos, Arka Aruna, Safeda सफ़ेदा आम Banganpalli, Baneshan, Chappattai, Lucknow Safeda, Malihabadi Safeda, Banglora or totapuri, kesar, Dusehri mango दशहरी आम DASHEHRI dushehri, Neelum mango नीलम आम Neelam aam, mallika mango, amrapali mango,सेन्सेशन आम Sensation mango, chausa, langra malda bombay aam, gulab khas, sinduri, husnara, jardalu mango ज़रदालू aam, Pusa Arunima पूसा अरुणिमा आम , Pusa Pratibha mango पूसा प्रतिभा आम, Pusa Shreshtha पूसा श्रेष्ठ आम, Pusa Surya पूसा सूर्या आम , Pusa Peetamber and Pusa Lalima पूसा लालिमा आम, Arunika many mango varieties to name
MANGO hopper,Mealy bug,Powdery mildew n Anthracnose...........DO THEY frighten u !!!!!!!!!!

MANGO Inflorescence - It's time for bloom to be at peak stage.AAM ke BOUR/Manjar ka khayal rakh rahe na !!!!!!!!!!

PHOOL aur PHAL kee sankhya mein bahut JYADA ANTAR naa aane paye.MANGO management is on na !!!! MANGO MALFORMATION - Jhumka/Banjha ROG se bachane ke liye ANA,Propargite ya Crbenadazim+Mancozeb Combo !!!!!!!! KYA spray kiya aapne.

KESAR MANGO are highly priced during MANGO FESTIVALS in markets like DILLI HAAT
Langra(Banarasi) has a strong sweet flavor,while Gulab Khaas from Saharanpur has a scented smell.Chitla from Muzaffarnagar and Tukmi from Unnao are known for their ornamental appearance.
Amrapali,Anjbeen,Dushehri,Husn Ara and Angoor Dana are some popular mango varieties from Lucknow.

Out of more than 1000 varieties of mangoes grown in India,varieties namely Banganpalli(other names like Baneshan, Chappattai , Safeda),Dussheri,Chausa,Totapuri and Kesar mangoes can be easily found in local markets in Delhi.

हापूस आम one of the most expensive kinds of mango is Alphonso.Small and Large pieces of are packed in different kinds of mangoes boxes containing 6,12 or 24 pieces pack.Ratnagiri (or Konkan) hapoos are Alphonso mangoes from Devgadh, Vengurla, Vijaydurg, Rajapur, Purnagadh, Jaygadh, Anjanvel, Mandangadh, and Dabhol i.e. the coastal belt of Maharashtra
Other varieties like Alphonso,Kishen bhog,Gulab Khas,Husnara,Himasagar,Kensington and Amrapali may require some exercise in search.
आम खाने से सेहत ठीक रहती है,शास्त्रों में आम और उसके पौधे को शुभ माना गया है...aam hee aam...mangoes....and......mangoes..alphanso, kesar, dashehri दशहरी आम,नीलम आम, फ़ाज़ली आम, रटौल आम, हुस्न आरा आम langra, chusa, husan ara amrapali, mallika, ramkela are some examples of popular mango varieties. Examples of देसी आम local mango varieties desi mango varieties are baingani, furfur,raja, vrindavani, nayab, makkhan, tumki, tapka, sundari, khali-bali mango, krishan bhog aam, surkha, chand gola, tuhru, bambaiya, zardalu, bhangla, shimla mirch aam, surajmukhi aam, vrindavani, gaurav, arun, makkan, desi bahar, sundari, katreena, sukul, desi gola achar aam, tukmi,dinga aam दींगा आम Lucknow Dinga mango......... tukami heera, desi mitthu, sharifa, haathijhul, kishen bhog, baramasi, shimla mirch, chitla, anjbeen, aamil lamba, tapka, surkha, chand gola, tuhru, bambaiya, zardalu, tukami heera, deshi mitthu, sharifa, haathijhul,nargis aam, saheboo aam, surkh aam and kashi aam, kishen bhog ajayab, yakuti, rasgulla, desi bahar, bheem-gola, gulab-jamun, angoordana, amrood, ber, sitaphal and zard ameen tapka, toffee aam, vishwanath chaterjee, elaichi dinga, dadelio, barasmasi creeper, kesar, peela jarda, maliaha, malviya bhog, kishan bhog, surkh, vedik aam, badshah pasand, begum pasand and nawab pasand aam. Large sized mangoes in varieties such as khali-bali, raja, sehri, maliaha, gulam and aflatoon leave you amazed. Red colored varieties of mango such as Sensation mango सेन्सेशन आम, Tommy Atkins tommy atkins mango टॉमी एटकिंस आम, Eldon, Ziulete, Haden and Julie पूसा अरुणिमा, पूसा श्रेष्ठ, पूसा सूर्या और पूसा लालिमा आम ............... purple color local mango cultivars. लाल आम की किस्म ............. पीले आम की किस्म और हरे आम की किस्म.......mangoes are not always yellow........they are many color of mango fruits. Lal Sundari Suvarna rekha has maroon blush on skin while Vanraj fruits have a red blush
Alphonso Hapus Ratnagiri Konkan hapoos, Arka Aruna, Safeda सफ़ेदा आम Banganpalli, Baneshan, Chappattai, Lucknow Safeda, Malihabadi Safeda, Banglora or totapuri, kesar, Dusehri mango दशहरी आम DASHEHRI dushehri, Neelum mango नीलम आम Neelam aam, mallika mango, amrapali mango,सेन्सेशन आम Sensation mango, chausa, langra malda bombay aam, gulab khas, sinduri, husnara, jardalu mango ज़रदालू aam, Pusa Arunima पूसा अरुणिमा आम , Pusa Pratibha mango पूसा प्रतिभा आम, Pusa Shreshtha पूसा श्रेष्ठ आम, Pusa Surya पूसा सूर्या आम , Pusa Peetamber and Pusa Lalima पूसा लालिमा आम, Arunika many mango varieties to name
MANGO hopper,Mealy bug,Powdery mildew n Anthracnose...........DO THEY frighten u !!!!!!!!!!

MANGO Inflorescence - It's time for bloom to be at peak stage.AAM ke BOUR/Manjar ka khayal rakh rahe na !!!!!!!!!!
PHOOL aur PHAL kee sankhya mein bahut JYADA ANTAR naa aane paye.MANGO management is on na !!!! MANGO MALFORMATION - Jhumka/Banjha ROG se bachane ke liye ANA,Propargite ya Crbenadazim+Mancozeb Combo !!!!!!!! KYA spray kiya aapne.
Kensington,Neelam,Bombay Green and various other.....................................kuch bhee khaa legne aap par KESAR ka to apna maza hai.
KESAR MANGO are highly priced during MANGO FESTIVALS in markets like DILLI HAAT
Langra(Banarasi) has a strong sweet flavor,while Gulab Khaas from Saharanpur has a scented smell.Chitla from Muzaffarnagar and Tukmi from Unnao are known for their ornamental appearance.
Amrapali,Anjbeen,Dushehri,Husn Ara and Angoor Dana are some popular mango varieties from Lucknow.
Out of more than 1000 varieties of mangoes grown in India,varieties namely Banganpalli(other names like Baneshan, Chappattai , Safeda),Dussheri,Chausa,Totapuri and Kesar mangoes can be easily found in local markets in Delhi.

हापूस आम one of the most expensive kinds of mango is Alphonso.Small and Large pieces of are packed in different kinds of mangoes boxes containing 6,12 or 24 pieces pack.Ratnagiri (or Konkan) hapoos are Alphonso mangoes from Devgadh, Vengurla, Vijaydurg, Rajapur, Purnagadh, Jaygadh, Anjanvel, Mandangadh, and Dabhol i.e. the coastal belt of Maharashtra
Other varieties like Alphonso,Kishen bhog,Gulab Khas,Husnara,Himasagar,Kensington and Amrapali may require some exercise in search.
4.Banana- Kela- BODY BUILDERS aur GYM jaane waalon kee PEHLI pasand
kela Banana केला varieties Grand Naine G-9, Cavendish, Jamaican banana Bodles Altafort, Kaveri Banana, Nendran, Robusta, Monthan, Poovan or Mysore banana, Ney Poovan, Karpuravalli banana or Kanthali kela, Pacha Nadan, Dwarf Cavendish, Robusta, Nendran, Rastali or Rasthali, Safed Velchi, Virupakashi Monthan and Red Banana are promising varieties. Jungle Kela, Kanai Bansi, Pagalapahad, Acuminata, Lairawak, Borkal Baista, Manohar, Pagalapahad, Valiya Kunnan, Narmine, Nattupoovan, Padalimoongil, Sasra Bale, Bacharia malbhog, Khungsang wild, Beeji Kela, Phirima wild, Myndoli, Chengalikodan, Neokhom, Dwarf Cavendish, Gandevi, Manoranjitham, Pachakappa, Bangladesh, Honda, Malbhog, Thozhuvan, Krishnavazhai, Pachaladan, Ladan, Ennabenian, Mannan, Cherapadathi, Cheni Champa, Palayankodan, Pisang Seribu, Chinali, Agnimalbhog, Battisapiro, Nepalivannan, Vananthpurani, Sambrani Monthan, Ladisan, Bankela, Enikomban, Kachkel, Chirapunji, Singalaji, Bersain, Kullarkanai, Monthan, Mathok many names of Banana केला Kela varieties
farmers have increased their productivity by using tissue culture
banana plants and progressive banana growers have taken two ratoon crops
consecutively in about 30 months.Pura Kal (Kach Kal) for banana chips
is of culinary type as it has starchy fruits and are used in the mature
unripe form as vegetable.Pura Kal (Kach Kal) is also a tall
variety.Dwarf Cavendish,Champa, Mortman, Rasthali, Amrit Sagar, Giant
Governor,Basrai, Safed velchi, Mutheli,Red banana,
Sandhurni,Lacatan,Poovan,Nyali, Ardhapuri, Rasthali, Karpurvalli,
Karthali,Rajeli,Harichal or Harichhal are some important banana
5.APPLE Green Tip Stage - Spray of fungicides like Dodine

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apple(a pollinator),Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious,Red Chief,Scarlet
Gala,Red Delicious....which one would u like to..enjoy
Yes, these are the ones which keep us healthy.What makes them good and healthy apples let's find out

Cherry APPLE Malus baccata or Indian crab tree or JANGLI SEB or palo is commonly used as a rootstock and pollintor for apple plants.Other pollinizer varieties are Summer Queen, Tydeman’s Early Worcester, Lord Lambourne,Spartan, Glauster and Red McIntosh GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE, Granny Smith and other green apples.Fruits on pollinator varieties of apple matures much earlier and is picked separatelyKinnaur Apple variety for Rs.100-140/kg were sold in retail markets of Delhi during Nov'14,Apple Red Delicious between Rs.170-190/kg and apple fuji between Rs.200-220/kg, while Shimla variety for Rs.80-100/kg.
MANAGEMENT of Insects Pests
Apple varieties namely Scarlet Gala, Red Delicious, Royal
Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief, Shimla apple, Kinnaur
Apple,Chamura, Red June, Gala, Honey Crisp, Crips pink, Cameo, apple
Fuji, Ambri Kashmiri, Red Maharaji and American Trel are popular. Apple
varieties such as ANNA and DORSET Golden, Jeromine, Red Velox are
examples of exotic apples

Golden Delicious Apple variety is really juicy.How
many boxes of apples (approx.20 kg) did u sell this year in local
market and how many in distant markets like Delhi, Bengaluru or
Ahmedabad ...............Easy accessibility, transparency and control
over bid, lesser fare, nominal labour charges, no need of permanent and
attractive packaging and above all the facility of getting cash on the
same day.........THIS is all a Grower/FARMER expects na !!!!!!!

This is not the kind of apple talked about to keep the doctor away.. Lets have a look at some healthy apples.

Cherry APPLE Malus baccata or Indian crab tree or JANGLI SEB or palo is commonly used as a rootstock and pollintor for apple plants.Other pollinizer varieties are Summer Queen, Tydeman’s Early Worcester, Lord Lambourne,Spartan, Glauster and Red McIntosh GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE, Granny Smith and other green apples.Fruits on pollinator varieties of apple matures much earlier and is picked separatelyKinnaur Apple variety for Rs.100-140/kg were sold in retail markets of Delhi during Nov'14,Apple Red Delicious between Rs.170-190/kg and apple fuji between Rs.200-220/kg, while Shimla variety for Rs.80-100/kg.
MANAGEMENT of Insects Pests
What did u spray this season in Apple Orchard to prevent from Insect attack -Hexythiazox e.g.Maiden(Biostadt)or Fenpyroximate e.g.Sedna(Tata Rallis) or Fenzaquin e.g.Magister(Du Pont)
MANAGEMENT of Diseases in Orchard
What did u spray this season in Apple Orchard to prevent from diseases -Pyraclostrobin+Metiram
combo e.g.Cabrio Top (BASF); Zineb+Hexaconazole Combo
e.g.Avtar(Indofil) or Kresoxim Methyl e.g. Ergon(Tata Rallis)
Therefore,an apple a day keeps the doctor away lies true only when the apple itself is healthy.
FACEBOOK/Gardening Classes
DELHI @ 7982984426
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